Why I Feast!

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Why I Feast!

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“Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the Lord.” (Leviticus 23:34)

As the Feast of Tabernacles concluded this year, it got me thinking about when I celebrated my first Feast, four years ago. I had just come into the church, and I didn’t understand anything! I thought, like most people who are unfamiliar with them, that the Holy Days were just Jewish traditions. I didn’t think that we would need to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles because of this. But I was wrong.

So what exactly is the Feast of Tabernacles?

I was very confused at first. You see, the Feast of Tabernacles in the Jewish tradition is celebrated to remember the wandering of the Israelites in the desert for forty years before they entered the Promised Land of Canaan. As Christians, we celebrate it to look forward to the Millennium.

What is the Millennium? I discovered that it is the thousand years after Christ returns and the Kingdom of God is established here on earth, during which Satan the Devil will be bound. It is a time when all of the people who follow God’s path will be resurrected and live as spirit beings, just as the Father and Christ do, and will reign with Christ over all the earth, teaching the people still on the earth who don’t know God. It will be a joyous time. And all of God’s people will be together.

During the Feast of Tabernacles we get to go and live in temporary dwellings, attend daily services, and spend those eight days with like minded people! And the cool part is that all of these people are your family... in God! He even tells us that we can do whatever our heart desires during the Feast. And spend our second tithe money how we please (within Godly standards, of course)!

Now what about the Last Day, the Eighth Day of the Feast?

Now that you know about the Feast of Tabernacles, it makes sense, right?

But what about the Holy Day that is the Last Day of the Feast? What does that signify? Well, I’ll tell you what I learned, it’s pretty awesome!

This day signifies when Satan will forever be cast away. We, and all of resurrected historical humanity who accept God’s way, will live in the new heavens and new earth with God the Father and Jesus Christ, forever, as the Family of God. We won’t have to worry about trials, persecution, or attacks ever again.

Who wouldn’t love that?

So how does this all apply to modern day teens and young adults like you and me?

Today we are given a choice. It’s a choice to follow God’s path which leads to the Kingdom of God, or to turn away from it and follow the path to destruction.

Celebrating God’s Feast Days are an instruction to us, from God Himself. It is when we learn about God’s wonderful plan for us, and how we can live God’s way. These are days given to us to celebrate and remember God and just how wonderful and mighty He is. Celebrating the Holy Days is such a joy for us, and God intended it to be!

The Feast is a blessing for us all! It’s something that I am very thankful to God for, especially because of its meaning. It brings hope to me of the future.

I hope that in the coming year you will choose to submit to following God’s way of life and be able to celebrate God’s Feast of Tabernacles with me next year! I’ll be there – will you? 

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  • Craig Scott
    Dick, Scripture indicates that Jesus will return to earth Acts 1:11. The firstfruits will rise up from the dead to be with Jesus when He returns, meeting Him in the air and joining Him as He returns to earth I Thess 4:16-17. At His return Jesus will reign over the kingdoms of the world/earth Rev 11:15-17. The firstfruits will reign with Him during this period Rev 5:9-10 Jesus reign begins with a 1,000 year period Rev 20:4-5 -- Note: after this 1,000 year period God’s plan moves to its next phase Rev 20:7-15 see also I Cor 15:20-26. At some point after this there is a new heaven, a new earth, and a new city of Jerusalem which will come to earth. This coming of new Jerusalem appears to correlate with I Cor 15:24-26. You should take a look at the UCG booklet on the plan of God spelled out in the 7 annual holy days. Its got even more detail. http://www.ucg.org/booklet/gods-holy-day-plan-promise-hope-all-mankind/
  • dick nellis
    Hi Samantha Can you tell me where the Bible says in the millennium we are on earth? It is a small point but we are not to add to God's word.(De 4:2 ) Jesus says He is going to prepare a place for us in His father's House which is in Heaven not on the earth. (John 14:2) We return to the earth with the New Jerusalem, after the millennium is over.(Re 21: - Re 22:3) The we shall reign with Him on the earth. Le 26:1-4 is an If -Then statement that tells us that we must keep the Sabbaths and statutes and commandments. An if- then statement is a conditional statement. The condition in the If portion MUST be met before the condition in the THEN portion is met. The Then portions are laid out in verses 3-46. Verses 4-13 tells the rewards we will get for obeying God and. Verses 14-46 tell the trouble we get for not obeying God. When they were given the Feast looked forward to things that were to occur. The first of the feast have been fulfilled. Jesus was our Passover. The next feast to be fulfilled is Rosh HaShannah which occurs on Yom Teruah, (the day of the Awakening Blast/Feast of Trumpets). It is also called day of repentance, day of Judgment, coronation of the Messiah, the Day of Remembrance, the opening of the gates, the wedding ceremony, the resurrection of the dead, and the Hidden day
  • Derek Strauss
    The 8th Day also pictures when all of humanity, down through the ages, who have not known God will be resurrected and will have a second chance at life...this time God's Way. What an exciting time that will be!!
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