Step Into The Light

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Step Into The Light

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“Let me shed some light on that…”

We’ve all heard or used that phrase before to encourage someone to slow down and look at something from a different angle, allowing us to get a fresh perspective. It can help us gain a clearer picture and can push a discussion along or settle a disagreement.

As Christians, we know that living life and letting our human nature guide us will push us away from God. We need to live a Godly life that draws us closer to Him. How do we do that? Thankfully, God has given us a tool to see inside of ourselves. He has given us a way to shed some light on our inner workings.

Light or darkness: how to know the difference

Before Jesus was born the knowledge of God was given to the Israelites. He had set them apart to be His people. He let them know how to live a good and righteous life through His law. Over fourteen hundred years after the Exodus, God sent His Son to die for all men, for all those who would believe in His sacrifice. No longer would His way of life be given to only the Israelites. It would be given to everyone.

That includes us today. It does not matter what your upbringing was or what your status in life is now. What matters now is that when He calls, you must answer. You will need to know what sin is and with the help of the Holy Spirit, put sin out of your life.

But, how do we know what sin is? Paul, the apostle whose ministry was teaching Gentiles (non-Israelites), told them that he would not have known sin except through the law (Romans 7:7). So, if we study God's law, we can know what sin is; once we know what sin is, we can start to put it out of our lives.

The light of the law

Jesus told us that His Father loved the world and gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall be saved (John 3:16). He went on to say that the light had come into the whole world, but, men loved darkness rather than the light because the light shows them their evil deeds, their sins (John 3:19).

It’s understandable why people would not like this kind of light. How many people want to be shown how what they are doing is wrong? Not many. We get defensive and sometimes angry at the person telling us what’s wrong.

Sadly, that’s how many in this world see God's law. His law sheds light on us and shows us our sins. But, those that God calls to understand and then choose to believe in His Son want to stand in this light and desire to know what they are doing wrong in order to repent and change. You are being called into that light.

In the spotlight

David, a righteous king of Israel and ancestor of Jesus, meditated on God's law every day (Psalm 119:97). He was a man who did his best to live God's way of life and is known as a man after God's own heart even though he made some pretty big mistakes. David may not have been perfect, but he didn't run away or hide from God's commandments, not even when he was confronted with one of his greatest sins (2 Samuel 12). He knew and tried to apply God's law in his life and he was passionate about understanding the law to the fullest.

We are not perfect either. We fall, we repent, God forgives us and we are back up again. We learn from our sins and we have encouragement from God's mercy. We should look at David's example and not live in the darkness of human nature, but rather, step into the light of God's law.

Spend some time every day to meditate on His law. It is the best way to know how to live a Godly life.

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  • Juma
    ..Thank you UcG for another great message..Your website is so alive with knowledge and understanding of Gods word that I can feel God is present here.. Your many articles and readings are endless and so satisfying. to a thirsty soul as well as your sermons that are available to all... So glad God led me here :)
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