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Recently, I saw a news report concerning the country of Belgium being poised to pass a new law expanding their legalization of euthanasia. The new law will include the medical killing of children, such as autistic children. For years, doctors in Belgium have already been putting Alzheimer's patients and others to death. I was horrified.

I've since done a little research on legalized euthanasia in Belgium. I, and probably most of us, should have been watching what has been happening a little better. Belgium legalized medical euthanasia in 2002. Euthanasia is also legal in the  Netherlands, and in Luxembourg. Quebec is now considering Belgium as a model for their Bill 52. New Zealand is also considering such legislation.

Moreover, assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, and in the states of Washington, Oregon, Vermont and Montana.

Those places seem far from me. Maybe that's why I wasn't paying attention. I live in a civilized nation. Oops, some of our states have already legalized assisted euthanasia!

Let's consider some statistics in Belgium. Between 32 and 45 percent of reported medically assisted deaths were done without a request from the patient or from their family members. In 2010, there were 954 medically assisted deaths reported, in 2011, there were 1,133, and in 2012, the number was 1,432 (Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition). Each year, doctors are emboldened to expand the neccessity of medical deaths.

The Belgium law allows for the assisted deaths to be performed only when a doctor is present. However, there are more and more reports of nurses performing the procedures without a doctor in attendence and some without even a doctor's approval.

Do a search online. Find out more about euthanasia laws in other countries. Again, I was shocked.

The supposed reasoning for passing many of the euthanasia laws is to let them "die with dignity." Those who oppose the laws are often ridiculed as not caring for the dignity, or the pain and suffering of others.

I cannot imagine, nor have I ever heard of, a young  child who would choose to die. Children appreciate, with joy, the life that God has blessed them with. They do not come with mental baggage and hang-ups. They are amazingly adaptable. Children can find joy, even when they are born with limited abilities. What civilized person would seek to destroy another amazing human being?

Euthanasia is a symptom of mankind's lack of trust in God Himself, and the vanity to think it has the pompous right to be as Maker and decide itself when to end another's life. Doing so confirms the breakdown of society.

Along the same lines of this subject—of life and who has the right to give or to take it—I must sigh and cry at the millions upon millions of abortions that have been performed since that was legalized in the United States at the beginning of my adult life. Shame on the grandmothers who decided they didn't yet want to be grandmothers, who escorted or virtually forced their daughters into going to get an abortion, on their very own grandchildren.

Phil Robertson, the patriarch from Duck Dynasty fame, to his credit, has given talks to small audiences, saying a mother's womb should be the very safest place a flesh and blood person will ever be put in. The womb is a place of protection. But too often, it has become a place of a killing. I want civilization to be as horrified as I am.

What can we do? Be horrified at the lack of value for human life. Repent and pray. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Finally brethren, we have hope that is far greater than anything a man can do (1 Corinthians 15:55).

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  • babsie
    That was an excellent article!!
  • Deanne
    Hi Carolyn, As a Registered Nurse I get asked many times if I can end people's lives. I am always shocked at how willing people are to end OTHER lives. Of course I tell them no I cannot and try to counsel them with support services. However, the reality is I could easily speed up the process through firstly influencing the doctor by stating the case is worse than it is and thereby getting medication orders in place for Morphine or similar strong injectable medications that go straight into large muscle tissue. And then to give the absolute maximum amounts every hour or as soon as the medication is due again. Nurses at work influence each other every day. We let one another know through our handovers (verbal reports of client's health status every time we are finishing a shift at work) what we think and many are so desensitised to death and even bully rather than persuade other nurses into giving these stronger medications, so in the end many younger nurses who are not desensitised, do not feel they have a choice when determining the right outcomes for their patients. When I first came out of university, my first RN job I had an elderly Italian lady die on my shift after having been lovingly held in her daughter's arms for a few hours and they had the best communication. She died naturally, with a clear mind, and when God said the time was right. I was so happy with all the work I put in to get this outcome and had to stay back to do overtime (unpaid) but didn't mind. The next day I was summoned to the nursing director's office and told in no uncertain terms I should have given Morphine and why didn't I do so? I held back the shock but politely said the family and the resident did not want this but management did not want to hear this and instead blamed me and said I made a bad decision due to inexperience. I have never regretted that decision but have been in trouble many times at work almost losing my registration for issues such as these. I wasn't a Christian back then but I did know right from wrong. Since that time about 20 years ago I have seen many things which cause me to sigh and cry and as a Christian, these things make perfect sense as the god of this age is enforcing his will. May The Kingdom come as I truly never know which day at work will be my last.
  • Chaplain Ray
    People call it mercy killings, euthanasia, assisted suicide but, it still comes down to murder, which is a sin. I don't want people to suffer with horrible diseases and with agonizing pain, but, once the door of assisted suicide is open it never shuts, it only opens wider. Abortions, assisted suicide, euthanasia, it's all a desire for people who want to assume the role of God. This desire has been around since the garden of Eden. People want the same power as God has so that they don't have to answer to him, or anybody else. The path of sin is wide, the path to eternal life is narrow.
  • Janet Treadway
    Awesome article. I had no clue. No wonder God tells us to watch what is happening around us.
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