New Bible Study Aid: Tools for Spiritual Growth

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New Bible Study Aid

Tools for Spiritual Growth

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Do you feel inadequate as a Christian? Do you want a closer relationship with God but feel stuck—like you're spinning your wheels? Do you want your relationship with God to translate into a better relationship with family and friends? I think we all want that but sometimes just don't have the right tools to make it work. We need some direction.

The new Bible study aid booklet, Tools for Spiritual Growth, will provide just that. It lays out spiritual tools in a progression of actions that will help you grow in the grace and knowledge of God the Father and Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). It starts with the essentials of communicating with God through prayer and Bible study. Sometimes we don't know how to "pray as we ought" (Romans 8:26) and need support.

The booklet goes on to describe the need for meditation and the catalyst of fasting. This then leads to change, connectivity with the Church and growth from immaturity to immortality. You can start implementing these tools right away, and by doing so you will see results. You can read Tools for Spiritual Growth on our website or request a copy to be sent to you.

May God be with all of us as we seek Him and His righteousness. We pray that you will find our newest booklet of value and a blessing to you.

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  • MariahbaFitch
    My name is Mariah Fitch and I am 14, and although I was born into the church, this booklet really caught my interest! It's a wonderful and very interesting tool for spiritual growth. I recommend this booklet to everyone, in the church and out. Thank you for this booklet available!
  • wqmarr
    We just received our copy and started reading it for the start of the Sabbath. This is good! If you don't have a copy, you need to get yours in whichever format you prefer. Downloading it from the booklet page is the fastest way to get it.
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