What is Zeal?

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What is Zeal?

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Many times when trying to read the Bible or listen to a message, we come across words we don’t understand. These unfamiliar terms can muddle what we gain from a particular passage.

Other times we breeze over a word or phrase because we’re familiar with its definition, so much so that it even loses its meaning. In either case, it is important to occasionally give these words a closer examination. One such word is “zeal.”

Zeal is strong interest or devotion. It is intense enthusiasm, or fervor (Webster’s New World Dictionary, 2003). Zeal is a strong energy and immense passion behind something.

For example, a person could be zealous about repairing cars. Such a person would actively seek out opportunities to fix cars, as well as ways to learn more about the subject.  He might collect car parts or tools in case they became necessary. The enthusiasm and energy behind his passion for car repairs would permeate all of his being; it would become a part of his identity. 

Proper Use of Zeal

It is important to note that zeal is neutral – neither inherently good or evil. You could be zealous about something as vital and righteous as daily Bible study, or have that same intense energy applied to something ungodly. As a result, Christians, especially in our youth, need to make sure we have godly principles grounded into our lives.

Our energy and devotion should be focused on things that are of God!

Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, wrote that we should “fill [our] minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable” (Philippians 4:8, GNT). The youthful energy we have should be applied to righteous, not sinful, pursuits.

Why Should I Be Zealous?

Jesus rebuked the Laodicean church for lacking a zealous attitude:

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16, NKJV).

The Christ-prescribed solution to this problem was quick to follow: He counseled them to “be zealous and repent” (verse 19). We too should be zealous. As Christians, we should be eager, energetic followers of God and have a strong interest in His Way and His Church.

God inspired the prophet Isaiah to speak about His Coming Kingdom. In Isaiah 9:7, it is written that the “zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” If God is zealous about His Kingdom, shouldn’t we too be zealous?

A Book Full of Zeal

The Bible has countless examples of people expressing their zeal for God through their words and actions. One person with incredible zeal is Paul. One of God’s apostles, Paul fearlessly travelled throughout the Roman Empire preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. His care and energy were persistent despite constant persecution and his own physical ailments. He continued to write letters to the churches even from prison.

His zeal and faith were so great that in one of his journeys, after being put in prison, he and his companion Silas began to sing praises to God in the middle of the night! Suddenly, an earthquake struck and all the inmates were freed.

The jailer, upon seeing his supposed failure, was about to kill himself when Paul called out to him. As a result of the following exchange, the jailer was converted and Paul and Silas were set free (Acts 16:25-38).

From the examples of Paul and others, we can see the power and blessings that having a zeal for God and His Way of Life can bring to us. God wants us to be zealous and enthusiastic followers of Jesus Christ, and to ensure our zeal is directed toward things garnering His approval.

How zealous are you for the plan God has for mankind?

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  • Kevin Greer
    Thanks Rachel! Sorry I didn't see this earlier to get back to you with. Wish you the best!
  • Rachel Henderson
    Hi Kevin, I really enjoyed this blog and I think it's such an important topic for all of us! Thanks for the reminder, it was timely!
  • Tim Duckworth
    I wish everyone could have the zeal of all the apostles and other important characters in the Bible. It would seem, these days, that zeal is only for personal gain or pleasure. Paul would have a field day. Everyone's so cold. I don't mean this as satire, either. Reading the news & comments daily it would seem we are getting closer to the End of Days: one world government, one world currency, etc. as John told of in Revelations. When, not if, it comes I'm ready.....Love & Peace...Duck
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