The Principle of the Slight Edge

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The Principle of the Slight Edge

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When we are young, we see the world as our oyster. The picture of our future life is nothing but success, good times, health and happiness.

As time passes the picture of our life changes—sometimes it changes by design but more often than not life events force a change in our master plan. If we’re not careful and we get sidetracked we can end up asking the ultimate question of frustration, “How did I end up here?”

Life is outlined by big events, but it is shaped, shaded and colored by small choices, small events, and small steps that fill in the bigger picture of our lives. This reality is summarized in the saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, you will likely end up somewhere else.”

It is at this point the Principle of the Slight Edge applies. If you’ve never heard of this concept here is a brief definition: The Principle of the Slight Edge is simply the outlook that our successes or failures in life are built through small choices.

For instance, when we learn to walk we don’t simply stand up and walk. We learn to stand without wobbling by holding onto something. Next we might move along grasping a table for support. Mom and Dad see our efforts and they hold onto our hand as we walk alongside them. We then try tentative steps by ourselves, learning to balance solo even more. Step upon step, getting back up when we fall, until one day we are walking by ourselves.

While we can recognize this principle in babies and toddlers, we can lose sight of it as we age. In fact, for too many people, life is just what happens between birth and death – there is no plan or purpose.

What about us Christians? Are there baby steps in the process of our calling?

God in His mercy doesn’t ask us to change everything in our carnal nature instantly, but He does expect us to change over time from our carnal nature to reflect His Godly character. “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace,” (Romans 8:6, NKJV, this and following verses, see also Romans 8:13). It is even more imperative for Christians to remember the Principle of the Slight Edge as we “grow up” spiritually so that we don’t become indifferent and drift in our calling (2 Timothy 1:6, 2 Peter 3:1).

The slight edge in action

So what should be our personal plan when applying the Principle of the Slight Edge?

Inspirational speaker Jeff Olson says that the key to applying the slight edge principle is educating self. He relates three ways to achieve that education: Studied Knowledge (read books, attend seminars, immerse in training); Activity Knowledge (be involved in the process, practice what you have been learning and correct yourself to do better); and Modeled Knowledge (surround yourself with those who are good at what you want to accomplish and share your vision).

A growing Christian must read God’s Word as well as gather as commanded by God on the seventh day Sabbath and annual Holy Days, to worship and fellowship and be trained. A growing Christian must be practicing what he or she learns from God in every aspect of daily life – and changing what needs improvement. A growing Christian must surround himself or herself with those of like mind and seek to become more like God.

God summarized all of this more than 2,500 years ago, when He inspired the prophet Isaiah to record, “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little,” (Isaiah 28:10).

This is the Principle of the Slight Edge, and we are never too young or old to apply it. Become active in your calling in even the little things, so that when Christ returns to begin his rule over all the nations of the earth He will find each of us on the steady path to growth.

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