Building on the Foundation of Knowledge

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Building on the Foundation of Knowledge

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It has been rightly said that to be successful, one must gain access to critical information, then assemble a defined body of knowledge from that information, and finally, transform that knowledge into understanding. Applying understanding that is grounded in truth leads to a successful and happy life.

But when the foundation is flawed or cracked, humanity experiences deep challenges. How do we avoid that? How do we ensure that our personal foundations are strong and hardy?

Outside our church building in Cincinnati stands a stone with a plaque. Inscribed on the plaque are these important words: "The Word of God is the Foundation of Knowledge."

Here declared is a critical truth: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). God's revealed word – the Bible – provides vital guidance and insight for a successful journey through life! To help fulfill this, the United Church of God founded and sustains the Ambassador Bible Center (ABC), which provides in-depth biblical instruction (Proverbs 19:20) to students enrolled in a year-old course of study. As president of the church, I have the privilege of addressing the students as they complete their studies. I would like to here share some thoughts I presented to the graduating class of 2014:

ABC started in 2000 and has provided biblical education to hundreds of people since that time. It is indeed a center for studying the Bible. ABC produces a positive experience and for many, a life-changing one.

An interesting fact about biblical knowledge is that to really understand what you learn you must practice it. You can't just read and warehouse what you've read and say that you "know" what the Bible says. You must live it. And to further gain the total fullness of knowledge, you must pass it on to others. This is what Christianity is about and what ABC intends to cultivate.  

The Bible is a book that is not to be studied once and put away as most books are. It is to be read and reread, studied and re-studied. As you do, you grow in depth of understanding of who God is, who you are and how you relate to God. Also, you receive instruction in how to relate to others.  The Bible is a book that teaches us about life that is not just for now, but for all eternity.

As we learn about the moral laws of God in the Ten Commandments, we find that the best way to fully understand their purpose and value to society is to LIVE them. We understand why this is so vital for the functioning of society and goodwill among neighbors. A very poor, hurtful and unnecessary way to learn these principles are by breaking the immutable law of God and then suffering the predictable painful consequences. Because God is merciful, sometimes these consequences are delayed (Ecclesiastes 8:11). But make no mistake, learning of God's power by experiencing the consequences of sin is not a biblical best practice.

Here's a much better way: As we obey and imitate Christ and have Him live His life in us, we mature as Christians. As we grow spiritually, we come to a point where it is unthinkable to embrace lawlessness, for we fully understand what John wrote: "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness" (I John 3:4, emphasis added). As the Bible clearly shows, the breaking of God's "perfect law of liberty" (James 1:25) is the real definition of sin, and sin produces pain, angst and sorrow. As ABC students learn, being Christ-like in practice turns out to be the best way to live. That way of life nets the satisfaction and peace that we all yearn for.

Ambassador Bible Center has provided a special insight into this way of life. It is a way that eludes most in this world. I'm so thankful that God has given us this wonderful means where our students not only transform their lives, but become leaders in passing this knowledge on to others. 

Would you like to learn more about our ABC program? You can learn more by visiting

Bible Study CourseBut here's something better. If you want to dive into the deep biblical understanding offered through ABC, why not start with our Bible Study Course? You can go online to begin or to request your free enrollment at We also offer you in-depth free Bible Study Guides (at that serve up a rich variety of powerful lessons from the pages of your own Bible. If you take us up on this offer, I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised and satisfied with the gripping and powerful information that you will receive, all directed toward building on the foundation of all true knowledge – the power-filled Word of God!


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