Would You "Like" Christ's Facebook Page?

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Would You "Like" Christ's Facebook Page?

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According to their website, Facebook’s mission is to “give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” There was an impressive average of 802 million active users per day in March.

Most of us use Facebook for different reasons. I know I like to read and share funny items or recommendations for places to visit or activities to try. But I also wonder about why I post some of the things I do. Have you ever thought about your motivations when using social networking sites like Facebook?

What if Jesus Christ had a Facebook page? Yeah, it might seem funny to imagine Him taking selfies with the apostles by the Sea of Galilee, letting the world know what an awesome time He and His buddies were having on a particular day. But really? What would He actually post on His page, and should that have any bearing on the ways we use Facebook?

After all, we’re supposed to “let this mind be in [us] which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). In a nutshell, this should be our purpose and motivation every day.

Christ’s purpose, outlined in John 6:38, says that He came “…down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” It’s unlikely that He would be updating His status with the latest epic adventure He had with the disciples or that He would even be taking selfies. That wasn’t His focus. He was here to do God’s will. He would likely post things that would represent God with the honor and respect He deserves—photos of His creation, examples of the miracles He enabled Christ to perform, scriptures that would help others make sense of their lives and would build God’s family. He would focus the attention not on Himself and His friends, but on the teachings of God.

If I’m honest with myself, many times I’m posting things on Facebook that focus on me, me, me. Look at me—I’m having the greatest time ever!! And I know I’m not alone in this tendency—I’ve had many conversations with friends along these lines. That’s something I’m actively working to change.

How often do we think about our Facebook habits through the overused, but still valid question: what would Jesus Christ do? I challenge you to think about your motivations a little more the next time you’re about to “like” or post something on Facebook. It may seem like a small thing. But it’s the small things that, over time, make up our habits and our character (something God is very interested in). Let’s work on building the character that will be here long after Facebook ceases to exist.  

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  • Jacob Hitsman
    Thank you Debbie for your insight into the Facebook dilemma. There was a time I too was on Facebook but that time passed some years ago. I could never quite place my finger on why this is not for me. Your conclusions about what Christ would write about sound quite reasonable also. Privacy can be a comforting thought to have. Soon I am traveling to India and want my loved ones to know about me and share some of life's experiences with them along the way. This will be accomplished through a travel blog and e-mails in our information age. Your article stimulated me to think about what I should concern myself with regards to sharing information on my journey. Generally it revolves around this conversation or that conversation about this topic or that topic and it is most likely their choice of topics. Then at the end of the day I was able to show love to this person or that person in this way or that way should be the conclusion to the story. Without a doubt the Kingdom of God will take first priority as always. After this comes praise and glory to our Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ our King. For me the lessons you learn as you pass through the life are important. Others can gain valuable insight as to their own problems by hearing the experiences of another. By the grace of God I have been defending the Faith of Christ and His Kingdom and many battles have been fought with evilness the past 38 years of my life. My weapons are faith, love and service to God's creation. God is my shield and my strong tower and no danger comes near me without His Holiness knowing about it. At the same time I tell people the action has not even got started yet. There is one defense against the chaos of the Great Tribulation and that is a close relationship with Christ. This is done by being totally alone with God in a private place for God is Spirit and is aware of all those who call upon His Holy Name. Thanks again Debbie for your words of wisdom conveyed to me about drawing attention to myself through various means. If my writings are taken after my prayers then God will help me be truthful and honest to the best of my ability. Maybe something of value may be contained in my words to one of His children here on earth. Please bring your Holy Kingdom to us this very day dear God, Thank you Holy God. Amen
  • Matthew Harden
    WOW to who ever wrote this. It has giving me something to seriously think about and not just when it comes to face book but also other aspects of my life. Thank you
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