Age Is Just a Number

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Age Is Just a Number

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Recently I hit the "six-zero." I had been dreading it for months. The reality sunk in that I have lived most of my life! Even if I lived to my eighties, that is but a vapor as I see time speeding along.

Well, the dreaded day came, the big 60! I could not stop it unless I died. I can say with confidence that I would rather hit the 60 than the alternative. However I was still feeling a little down and discouraged, so as I always do when I feel this way, I silently asked God to encourage me. No sooner had I completed that silent request to my "Chief Encourager," my Father in Heaven, when I was called to the front desk. There on the counter sat a vase of beautiful yellow roses. My dear friend Cheryl from Texas had sent me six beautiful yellow roses. While carrying them to my desk, I looked up and said, "Father, that was fast encouragement!" But God was not done with the love and encouragement. Sometimes you can be so down that you need a lot of extra encouragement, as I did that day.

I returned to my desk still admiring the beautiful yellow roses and thanking God when I was once again called to the front desk. There waiting for me was a man with a huge bag of balloons and a beautiful arrangement of fall-color flowers. While engaging in conversation with the delivery man, he told me he was 82! He began to tell me of all the things he was involved in. He said he volunteers 40 hours a week delivering flowers to people! He loved it! He also hosts dinner parties and cooks for the guests for the blind. He said he retired many years ago but felt he had to stay busy. After my conversation with this man, I went back to my desk totally humbled but very encouraged.

I had to look up and chuckle at my Father in Heaven, because it was like he inspired this 82-year-old man to deliver the flowers to a very down, 60-year-old woman. This man made me realize that age is just a number. The key ingredient to help us live an abundant, vibrate life, is our attitude of mind: service to God, and service to others. It is also knowing how special seniors are to God.

God has special respect for the aged among us, seniors like me! Yep, I included myself in that group for the first time! Job 12:12 says, "Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding." The 82-year-old delivery man reminds me of Psalm 92:14: "They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green."

Certainly, the 82-year-old delivery man was yielding fruit in his old age.

That day, I realized that age is only a number. It is your Father in Heaven, your friends, and your family while reaching out in service to others that gives you a life full. Make every day count, because it is indeed fleeting!

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  • Janet Treadway
    Wow Robert you have gone through a lot! I am so sorry. I cannot imagine having to bury a child or a grandchild. I am hoping the rest of your years will be filled with much joy. BTW 50 was hard for me as well. But I can honestly say the last ten years have been the best.
  • Colin
    life is but a whisper in a dream to live in Christ is for eternity life is so short looking back I am nearly 3 score and 10 were have all the years gone,,I do not feel old, only the candles on my birthday cake tell me different,,
  • Janet Treadway
    RW, Thank you so much for your kind words. I thought about it a lot as well in my late fifties. But to see others much older than I am live a full and productive life is so encouraging. To read about how valuable we are to God as we age is so awesome as well. I guess we do not take one day that has been given to us for granted.
  • Robert Mayes
    I am not quiet 6-0 but I will be 50 in a few weeks, my wife and I got married right out of high school. I used to think when I was a teen where would I be in the 2000's! I have been thru a great deal in those 50 years and as the saying goes the older you get he wiser you become! We had two daughters and one son with in the first five years and later 2 more sons 13 months apart and lost one! We have been blessed with 14 grandchildren, ranging from 14-2 years. We lost 3 at an early age. It is hard to bury a grandchild and watch your own child suffer. I would have gave my life for them if I had have had the choice. But I know where they are, so it make it more easy to bare. I pray I will live another 50 years to see my great grandchildren, and their children. May God Bless you!
  • RW
    Greetings. In less than 3 years I myself will hit that number. And I sometimes. for some reason, think about it at times. Your blog was very uplifting and encouraging. When I finished reading it I thought on S. Meyers' BT daily blog in reference to retiring. Admittingly when I was younger I used to think what I would do once I actually stoppped working. But as time marched on, I came to the conclusion that I would be pretty bored doing nothing but "leisure." God is amazing! What a true blessing your b-day gift was. Thank you for sharing the Creator's gift with us.
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