Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana: Mankind's Big Problems

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Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana

Mankind's Big Problems

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The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that approximately 17 million Americans are afflicted with alcoholism or a related disorder, and that only 15% of this group ever receives treatment. Alcohol-related deaths are the United States’ third highest preventable cause of death, with tobacco as the leading factor.

The CDC estimated almost 20% of U.S. adults smoked cigarettes in 2011. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World similarly records that over 94 million Americans have used marijuana at least once, making it the most common illicit drug in the nation today.

When such prevalent and serious obstacles present themselves, it is important for Christians to turn to God’s Word for answers and guidance.

God’s Created Benefits

Interestingly, these three, common, addictive substances are derived from plants that are part of God’s creation which He gave mankind control over from the Garden of Eden forward (Genesis 1:11-12, Genesis 1:29-31). God states that He saw that these plants were “good,” not unhealthy, evil, or even addictive. Why? The answer is that they have been perverted both by Satan and our own human nature to many sinful uses. Just because God called them good doesn’t mean that everything we do with them is good.

Alcohol can be made from many plants, each with their own group of uses, but what about tobacco and marijuana plants? They too have an interesting set of benefits. Tobacco has many gardening applications, especially as an insect repellant. Tobacco also has value in its homeopathic and medicinal use, including relieving skin inflammation, improving dental hygiene, and caring for insect bites. Marijuana has industrial potential as a fiber, including being used as a textile, paper pulp, plastic composite, thermal insulation, reinforcement for cement, fiberboard, and animal bedding. The plant can further be used for its oilseed in a plethora of products from shampoo to bread and yogurt to dietary supplements. These functions help show us how God’s creation can benefit us even when it seems impossible.

Satan’s Sinful Perversions

Intoxication, getting drunk or high, is something that is denounced by God, however. Galatians 5:19-21 lists “drunkenness” negatively as a sinful “work of the flesh,” thus something for Christians to avoid. The book of Proverbs contains several admonitions with regard to substance abuse, specifically alcohol. In Proverbs 23:29-35, such abuse is compared to a “serpent” and a “viper,” and further, that it will cause our heart to “utter perverse things.”

As a result, it becomes clear that seeking to get drunk or high is sin. This is because it can cause us to “forget the Law” (Proverbs 31:4-5). What law? God’s Law! When under the influence, we lose our judgment, make poor choices, and do things we would ordinarily never do. We also experience a lack of control of our body. Christians are responsible for their actions as budding members of God’s Family, and our ability to think clearly is compromised when we are intoxicated.

Finally, utilizing these substances to push our bodies to the limit is unhealthy, and can permanently damage our bodies, which are God’s Temple for the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). God wants us to take care of our bodies, and an addiction would only separate us from Him as a form of idolatry.

Alcohol in the Bible

As a final point, alcoholic beverages are sometimes attacked for their harmful qualities, but are also spoken of positively in the Bible. In the command to attain our hearts’ desires at the Feast of Tabernacles, we are told we can spend our money on “wine or similar drink” (Deuteronomy 14:26). Jesus Christ’s first recorded public miracle was to change water into wine for a wedding celebration (John 2:1-10), and He instituted wine as a Passover symbol for His blood throughout all generations of His Church (Matthew 26:27-29).

Moderation and wisdom are required when employing God’s creation. Always look to what God has to say on a matter, especially on a subject as vital to your life as this. If you or someone you know struggles with alcoholism or other addictions, please consider reading our free booklet: Overcoming Alcoholism: There Is Hope! Nothing should ever be used to intoxicate us, lest it come between us and our loving Father.

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    I also want to include the addictions to cellphones, food, and materialism to this list. Too many Christians in this country are so materialistic, and this goes against the word of God. They see nothing wrong with it though. And cellphones and social media are also affecting today's Christians. Plus too many obese people. Fast food addictions and lack of exercise are very harmful to the body.
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