The Paris Terror Attacks

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The Paris Terror Attacks

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The new year has started violently in Paris. Twelve people were killed on Wednesday, January 7 in an deliberate terrorist attack by men claiming connection with Al Qaeda. It was a barbaric ruthless attack. One video showed a policeman being gunned down on a sidewalk.

The attack came on the office of Charlie Hebdo a satirical weekly newspaper that regular lampoons Islam. The publication had been under threat and was receiving light police protection. Cartoonists and writers were killed in the slaughter virtually wiping out the editorial staff of the paper.

France has Europe’s largest Muslim population and terrorism and pressure from radical Islam is a continual threat to the tolerant and liberal French culture. France’s reaction to this act will be a critical indicator of what future relations between the growing Muslim population and traditional French institutions will be. Attacking a newspaper and killing its staff strikes at values of free speech, fraternity and liberty–bedrock values across the European Community.

Neither France nor Europe needs an attack like this. Should others follow you could expect a reaction that could escalate relations between the Muslim and native populations. The EU system is struggling economically. It is still figuring out how to react to Russia’s incursions into Ukraine.

Last year Pope Francis told the EU Parliament in Strasbourg that Europe gave "a general impression of weariness and aging, of a Europe which is now a ‘grandmother,’ no longer fertile and vibrant”. That’s not a ringing endorsement from the pontiff. Attacks like this will one day bring Europe to an action that will rouse latent forces. That time isn’t now but it is coming.

This is a sad moment for the City of Light and the families of those who have been killed. May God’s grace be upon them at this time.

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  • Eric V. Snow
    A terrorist attack like this one on this satirical magazine, which is like a French version of America's "Mad" magazine, shows a fundamental problem within the Islamic community. That is, many Muslims living in the West haven't learned to accept the Western values of tolerance. Even if few Muslims would perform such a barbaric attack, many millions of them likely sympathize with the outcome. This points to a key difference between traditional Christians and Muslims' levels of tolerance for insults against their religions. Many nasty, awful blasphemous books have been published for decades against Christianity, against belief in Jesus, and belief in God, but their authors need not fear for their lives. Does Dan Brown, the author of "The Da Vinci Code," fear for his life? Did Bertand Russell, the British philosopher who wrote "Why I Am Not a Christian," fear for his life? Did Ayn Rand worry about being killed by an Orthodox Jew or a fundamentalist Christian after writing "Atlas Shrugged"? Yet Muslims as a group have had far more people willing to kill over blasphemous portrayals of their prophet and mistreatment of their holy book, the Quran. Look at what happened to Salman Rushdie, an equally skeptical author, after he published "The Satanic Verses." Liberals like to chronically complain about and fear about how intolerant Christians are, yet what Muslims have done historically in recent decades is far worse, yet liberals chronically excuse, rationalize, and justify the intolerance and terrorism committed by Muslims. This terrorist attack in one way is even worse than the 9-11 attacks. Those randomly killed thousands of people, but they were not carefully targeted assassinations. The attack on Charlie Hebdo's journalists was an assassination operation designed to shut down Western civilization's freedom of speech and freedom to criticize others' religions. Muslims say that they can't tolerate criticisms of Muhammad as a false prophet but they freely criticize standard Christian doctrine that Jesus is the Son of God and God the Son, which is blasphemy as well. Yet Christians don't teach that Muslims who attack fundamental Christian doctrines should be put to death, when the converse is an official teaching of mainstream Islam. The double standard is obvious. Read Robert Spencer's books, such as "Religion of Peace?", to learn more about this
  • jcnewell49
    Yes, it will be very interesting to see how France, as well, as Germany will react. There is already demonstrations against the Islaminzation of Europe and this will only continue and intensify.
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