How to Understand the Bible: Step 8

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How to Understand the Bible

Step 8

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How to Understand the Bible: Step 8

MP4 Video - 720p (71.44 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.14 MB)

Getting a new perspective helps us better understand the Bible.


[Darris McNeely] Have you ever stood on a high hill or mountain and – even a large building in the city – and looked out over the landscape and seen where your house is, or roads you travel and are familiar with as you go back and forth every day, but from a higher perspective? Gives you a sense of place and perspective on the environment that you’re familiar with from a whole different point of view. It’s enlightening, and it’s very useful, and it helps get us into key number eight of our series that we’ve been talking about on how to understand the Bible. And that is to read the whole Bible. Read it from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation, on a regular basis – maybe once a year with the use of an annual Bible reading program, which you might find in the back pages of your Bible or certainly are readily available out on the internet, that can help you read a short passage every day, and within one year, have taken you through the entire Bible.

Reading through the entire Bible like that can be very, very useful, again, to get a perspective. I’ve done that, my wife does it every year, and it’s amazing – no matter how well-versed you are in the Bible, and what a good Bible scholar you think you might be, just to read it through on a regular basis can give you another view that opens up relationships of various books to each other, characters, situations, even passages that in your normal course of study, you don’t normally read, and may not have read for years, and they almost become new to you.

Read the whole Bible. A lot of people have done that. I was reading about President Harry Truman, US President Harry Truman, who, while he was president, read the Bible through every year. Now, you would think a man as busy as the president of the United States – in his case, ending World War II,  dealing with Russia, the Cold War, and the events of rebuilding Europe occupied him – he had the time to read the Bible. You and I might, as well. And we should. It can really make us smarter about things, give us a perspective that is fresh and unique and useful in helping to put together all the sections of the Bible. Make it a practice. Make it a regular, annual even, practice to read the Bible through. It’s going to help your understanding.

That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.


  • Sabrina Peabody
    I love watching BT Daily on my Roku! It just needs a minute or two to load the many program options and then I am set! Thank you for making them available that way. Tpicarella - There is a good Bible FAQ article on the Apocrypha. As you search into it more you will find just from reading one of the books of the Apocrypha (as long as you have read through the entire Bible) that there are doctrines that do not match and other issues relating to these books.
  • stevefrandsen
    Hi Darris, This year I am reading the Bible cover to cover for the first time in a while. But I am reading it out loud, which I have never done before. I learned this technique late in my formal schooling or my grades may have been better. It forces my reading to slow down to speaking speed, it adds my senses of touch when formulating the words and hearing to my sense of sight. I have noticed a lot of small things as never before. I also have been tuned into when I am reading without thinking as in just droning on. So I reread a bit and then leave off for the day. Reading the 1189 chapters of the Bible comes to about 3.25 per day. Granted the OT numberings and begats are a little tedious but they are there for a reason so I plow through. Next year I may listen to it on CDs from the library in a different version than usually studied. I also start each book by first watching a short overview of it on the youtube Bibledex channel. I usually glean a nugget or two about that book from each video.
  • tpicarella
    Love the show and appreciate the steps in understanding the bible. I was watching the history channel the other day, and it was showing something about lost books. They said the collection of the books are called the Apocrypha. Can you touch a little on this and explain what this means? Weird that scholars who decide what goes in the bible and what doesn't should be up to any individual but God himself. Thank you and God Bless.
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