Miracles: Do They Still Happen?

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Do They Still Happen?

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How is it possible for two lumps of clay to have names and personalities and then communicate with one another? If you are reading this note, then you are one of those lumps. We know that we are made of dust and return to dust at death (Ecclesiastes 3:20). What are the chances that two piles of dust can become people? The answer is that there are no chances—there has to be an incredibly intelligent Creator.

It is a joy to look about us and think of the many wonders we see each day. We can choose to live as though everything happens by chance and there are no miracles, or we can choose to live as though everything is a miracle. How rich life becomes when we realize we have been created by a loving Creator who loves His creation and intends to make His home with His children (Revelation 21:3). That is the miracle of all miracles. Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God and that there are no miracles (Psalm 14:1).

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