Lions Eat Meat

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Lions Eat Meat

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Lions and creatures of the feline family of animals are meat eaters. They seek their prey craftily and look for the weak or the sick. Often it is the young that are taken, or the stragglers. Stragglers are often the tired, old or lame. They make the easiest targets and present the least danger to the cat. Cats often attack from ambush after carefully stalking their prey and picking out a likely target before they move in.

A roaring lion on the hunt is the description Peter gave for Satan (1 Peter 5:8). Peter said to be on guard because the devil is our adversary. When people become discouraged or stay at home alone rather than fellowship with their congregation, they present an easier target. Life seems to spiral downwards when troubles come in bunches. The time we need one another the most is when our trials are many. We do strengthen one another as Jesus asked Peter to do (Luke 22:32). Don’t sell this lion short—he is dangerous.

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  • jmanelkins515

    i really need to get back to church. i have no spiritual fellowship with anybody

  • Lena VanAusdle

    Hi John, I echo Skip's response, I'm sure any of our congregations would be happy to see you. To find a congregation near you visit here:

  • Skip Miller

    Hello John,
    We welcome you! (I will personally if you come to San Diego!)
    Mr. Berendt makes a strong point.
    We need each other.

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