Four Moral Dilemmas Facing Families: Our Children Don't Stand a Chance

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Four Moral Dilemmas Facing Families

Our Children Don't Stand a Chance

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Given the groundswell of attention given to the issue of gay marriage in the last decade and the increasing acceptance of homosexuality, the recent Supreme Court decision is not surprising. What is surprising to me is the level of publicity given to this particular issue by both the media and religious organizations over the years. We have far more severe moral problems in this country that we should be working to address as much as, if not more than, gay pride. Here are four of them that are wreaking havoc on the children of this country.

1. We are killing our children

We are killing more than 1 million unborn children each year in America through abortion. Since Roe v. Wade made abortions legal in 1973, there have been over 54 million—almost one sixth of the population of our country today. This is a genocide that few acknowledge or feel the impact of today! For example, this is part of the reason why Social Security is going bankrupt: We have killed the labor force that should have been paying into it.

2. We are not giving our children stable family lives 

Forty percent of American children are born out of wedlock. Additionally, 41 percent of "first marriages" end in divorce. These situations are difficult for the parents involved, but the real tragedy is how it affects their children. This lack of stability and support for children at home correlates with nearly every bad outcome you could want for your child, from having sex at an earlier age to spending time in prison.

If that weren't bad enough, divorce causes emotional and psychological scars on children that last for years, and that burden is impossible to quantify. No wonder our loving God said, "I hate divorce!" and, "To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty" (Malachi 2:16, New Living Translation). What mother (or father, for that matter) wants to see their child suffer as a result of their failed marriage?

3. We do not teach our children about God at school  

In 1962, the landmark court decision of Engel v. Vitale determined that public schools could not hold school-sponsored prayers. This single court ruling has been sensationalized over the decades as "kicking God out of public schools." However, in the light of what has followed, can we really deny that God has been marginalized in the classroom? Children are at school for one third of their day for five days a week during the academic year. The curriculum actively tries to exclude the God of the Bible in order to avoid the appearance of pushing Christianity on unwilling young minds.

But the opposite is actually happening—by leaving God out of our children's education, we are pushing secularism on unwilling young minds. This creates a cycle that pushes children of each new generation a step further away from a loving God who wants to help them live a good life.

4. We do not teach our children about God at home

This is the most unfortunate and most uncomfortable reality in America. We do not follow God's commandments. We do not study the Bible. We do not teach His ways to our children at home because we do not know God ourselves. God does not want it to be this way! When we do not follow God—whether as individuals or as a nation—we suffer for it. The hardships mentioned in this article about divorce and sex outside of marriage are proof enough of that suffering. But God's commandments reveal a way of life that is fulfilling and loving, that makes us successful, and that ultimately leads to eternal life with Him! Every other way of life leads to heartache, hardship, and worry, not to mention death.

Thankfully, you can do something to start reversing these trends in American society. You can do that today by evaluating your own relationship with God. Get out your Bible and read His Word. When you know what to do, start doing it. When you are ready to share what you've learned with others, do your best to lead them towards the only thing that can save America from itself: obedience to the living God.

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  • Jennifer T

    Good article. It is easy to look at the recent decision on marriage and think this is the big turning point in history, but I agree there are many other issues that we've seen in the past 50 years or so that were just as effective in drawing people away from God, even if they didn't receive the same media attention.

  • Steven Britt

    I did not mean to imply that one sin is somehow worse than another - what I was getting at is the fact that the 4 I have listed here are more severe in their scope and impact. For one thing, less than 4% of Americans identify as gay, bisexual, or transgender. Acceptance of gay lifestyles is a more widespread problem than that, probably nearing a majority. However, the impact that has on the moral fiber of our country is, I believe, less in its sum total than what I have listed here. Acceptance of homosexuality is really just one symptom of people not looking to God's word for what is right and wrong. For example, no-fault divorce (which is utterly unbiblical) didn't exist in this country until the late 1960s - today, many don't even bother to get married. We have systematically obscured the relationship between love, sex, and marriage to the point that our children no longer understand the divine purpose of the family unit. Fewer and fewer people respect the institution of marriage, despite the impact that has on their own children. Homosexuality is just an easy target - there are no "adultery pride" rallies, but there are far more adulterers than homosexuals.

  • Kevin Greer

    Hi TheDonald,

    I fail to see how the article "minimizes" the issue of homosexuality. Instead, Steven Britt's piece actually goes so far as to address the causes of its widespread acceptance: a failure to teach children - and all people - of God and His holy Law (Rom. 7:12). A people with God's commandments "in [their] heart" would know what He says about such actions (Deut. 6:1-9). Since this lack of instruction causes "acceptance of homosexuality," it's easy to see why Britt characterizes it as a larger, "worse" issue. If the lack of teaching were appropriately addressed, its results would begin to disappear.

    Divorce is only "biblical" in the proper context; please consider reading our study paper for more information: Divorce is something that "He [God] hates" (Mal. 2:16).

    An important biblical definition of sin is "missing the mark," and by failing to teach children of God we do fall short of the standard He has set for us in this area (Eph. 6:4, Deut. 6:1-9). "Negligence" is still sin, and all sin yields death (Rom. 6:23). We would do well to focus on the latter part of that statement: God's loving gift of "eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

  • Trick James

    The fourth moral dilemma described here haunts me. You see I once belonged to a church that taught biblical principles in which my wife I were trying to rear our three children accordingly. This church had major doctrinal changes when the human leadership changed hands. My children were in there teenage years when this happened. I was distraught with these drastic changes and did not accept them. I became unsure of my beliefs and backslid into apathy, and non church attendance. Looking back, during this period, I ignored my duty to bring my children up in the admonition of the Lord. My children are grown adults now with varying belief and unbelief. I am starting to get my spiritual bearings back but the damage is done from my confusion and lack of diligence in the things concerning the Lord and His coming kingdom. As stated in the last paragraph of statement #4 I believe my duty among other things is to read the bible and study and show myself approved of God and let my example speak to my children. God help me on this journey.

  • TheDonald

    I agree that these 4 are of great concern as they are foundational. However, I would not characterize the situation as you did: "We have far more severe moral problems in this country that we should be working to address as much as, if not more than, gay pride."

    "far more severe moral problems"?

    God lists homosexuality as an abomination. To do the old "yeah, but these are worse, so why are you making a big deal about homosexuality" argument is unacceptable as well as inaccurate save for the sin of abortion.

    You list important issues in our society, but we should not do this while minimizing one sin that is breaking down all aspects of society. I say that because acceptance of homosexuality is very clearly in direct opposition to the Bible. One can argue that divorce is Biblical. One can argue that not teaching God in the schools of your day is not a sin else Shadrach Meshach and Abednego would be sinning while being taught Babylonian knowledge. We should be teaching our children of God as your 4th point attests, but negligence still is different than embracing the acceptance of homosexuality.

    I can't flesh out a full argument here, but hope my point is made.

  • Trick James

    As to TheDonold, I disagree that the jist of this posting is to minimize the sin of homosexuality, but instead it is to rightly promote the importance of the children and our duty to bring them up in the admonition of the Lord. That covers a lot of ground which includes proper instruction and avoidance concerning the sin of the homosexual lifestyle. I use to follow James Dobson and his ministry called "Focus on the Family" . I finally started to listen less and less as he continually battered the homosexual community. In Gods eyes I understand that sin is sin, and my lying is just as bad as any other sin. The sin of adultery is just as bad, Focus did not bash partakers of that sin every day. I think we need the balance to condemn all sin not just the ones we think are the worst. That being said we don't need to ignore that the gay movement is a threat to the social and moral well-being of a nation, and that in love we should confront it and be ready to give an answer.

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