Holodeck Not Needed to Visit God's Throne

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Holodeck Not Needed to Visit God's Throne

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The first Star Trek episode with the holodeck by name occurred in The Next Generation’s episode “Encounter at Farpoint.” For the ultimate far point, wouldn’t it be great to have an episode where the holodeck takes somebody to the third heaven—to God’s glorious throne ruling supreme over the universe in all its resplendent glory?

No, it wouldn’t be great because the second commandment warns against making an idol “in the form of anything in heaven above” (Exodus 20:4). 

Good thing for us that Jesus revealed to John a biblical holodeck so that we can rightly picture the throne room of heaven. Here’s Revelation 4:4-8 from the New Living Translation:

“I saw a door standing open in heaven … oh, the glory of it!—a throne and someone sitting on it!

“Great bursts of light flashed forth from Him as from a glittering diamond, or from a shining ruby and a rainbow glowing like an emerald encircled His throne.

“Twenty-four smaller thrones surrounded His, with 24 Elders sitting on them; all were clothed in white with golden crowns upon their heads. 

“Lightning and thunder issued from the throne, and there were voices in the thunder. Directly in front of His throne were seven lighted lamps representing the seven-fold Spirit of God. Spread out before it was a shiny crystal sea. 

“Four Living Beings dotted front and back with eyes, stood at the throne’s four sides." The four were in the form of a lion, ox, face of a man and flying eagle. “Each of these Living Beings had six wings and the central sections of their wings were covered with eyes.” 

Gene Roddenberry would never do justice to this! 

Here’s the main point that could right now revolutionize your prayers like it’s doing for mine:

When you pray—and you find your mind on the unmade bed, the crooked painting on the wall, the peeling ceiling, or your purring cat Josie wanting your attention—don’t start talking until you can visualize the supreme Beings of the universe in this glorious setting just waiting to listen to you!

My second point that can empower your prayers is to claim God’s amazing promises.

God the Father says:

My door’s open! My Son opened it for you! He’s sitting here at my right hand (Colossians 3:1). By His blood poured out for you at His death, He ripped the veil covering the earthly Holy of Holies from top to bottom like a piece of paper! (Hebrews 10:19-22). That veil was 60 feet long, 30 feet wide, 4 inches thick, made of 72 squares sewn together—so heavy that it took 300 priests to hang!

The ultimate power of the universe—God's Holy Spirit—which was given on Pentecost in 31 A.D. is here for your asking!

Here’s another amazing scripture: God can do “exceedingly above anything you ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

On your knees is the most powerful position in the universe because with God “all things are possible.” Whatever takes place in heaven trumps anything going on down where we are.

Go boldly where no man has gone before—“to the throne of grace, that [you] may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16)!

"My door’s open!" Visualize the throne room of the universe that you are privileged to access. And come claim the power you need. Privilege and power!

Just come up and talk!

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