Planned Parenthood and San Bernardino Shootings: The Christian Perspective

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Planned Parenthood and San Bernardino Shootings

The Christian Perspective

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Planned Parenthood and San Bernardino Shootings: The Christian Perspective

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This is an age of unrest. There is so much evil going on when you read the headlines. Gunmen are rampant. The Middle East is never at rest. Violence and racism are headlines in America again.

Everyone believes they have the answer. The truth is, whether you ban guns or strap a piece on every citizen, nothing will keep the heart of evil at bay.

This week you saw the tragic news of two individuals, a man and a woman, on a killing spree in San Bernardino, California, at a social services center.

And just last week, my heart ached when I heard the news about the lone gunman entering a Planned Parenthood. Shortly afterward he began shooting. He also shot at officers when they arrived on the scene. After three deaths and many injuries, Dear was surrounded by police, and he surrendered.

The suspect seemed to have been motivated by his hatred towards Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices. At one point the news reported that he exclaimed, “No more baby parts!” This is where confusion in the world is evident. The sin of abortion is atrocious. But God does not want us to repay evil for evil. In fact God condemns that approach directly in His holy Word: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody…Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:17-19).

As Christians we never condone sin, even if someone is trying to bring justice for the sins of another. Both are equally wrong. We are called to have faith and trust in God.

I’m sure Robert Dear felt very strongly about the sins of those administering abortions. You and I have seen the news in the past few months. The crimes of these abortion clinics are heinous. Yet, I also know that God is capable of anything, and my prayers and my calls for judgment go to Him. The most tragic part of this story is that God deeply wants those involved in the sin of abortion to repent. Now, because of Robert Dear's own sin of murder, there are some who will not have the chance to repent in this life.

Followers of God do battle against the sin of this world on their knees through prayer. When you recognize God as your King, you have to trust that He knows what is going on and how to handle it. It’s rare that God wants us to take matters in our own hands. Jesus rebuked Peter for cutting off the ear of a soldier who was coming to arrest Him. He said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight” (John 18:36).

The world is confused right now. People are looking for answers. Individuals like Robert Dear see sin and believe that they have the right and authority to deliver their own brand of justice. The San Bernardino shootings remind us that we need to always pray for protection from the evil in the world.

At some point we have to realize that beseeching God in prayer is not a passive action. Calling on the Creator of all things is the biggest thing we can do. Christians seek God for answers. Our God can handle any injustices we see. My prayers go out to those families who lost loved ones in these situations. May God’s Kingdom come soon. 

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  • dust_i_am

    Today's New York Daily News proclaimed on page 1: "GOD'S NOT FIXING THIS."

    Maybe not now, as some would look at it. But eventually when Jesus comes again, He will. We must have faith He will.

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