Looking for God in All the Wrong Places

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Looking for God in All the Wrong Places

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Looking for God in All the Wrong Places

MP3 Audio (7.5 MB)

Here are a few questions for today: Does God exist? Why do people pray?

These deep questions, faced by believers and non-believers alike, frame up a multi-part television series that was in production for more than a year. Hosted by veteran actor Morgan Freeman, whose distinctive voice is known to millions, The Story of God, is now airing on the National Geographic channel in more than 170 countries and 45 languages.

God does exist, and He makes open a way for you to find Him and confirm that for yourself.

My wife Bev and I like National Geographic, and we regularly watch that cable channel. So I decided to watch this new series. Or probably more accurately stated, I tried to watch this series. As anyone who has read the Bible knows, this series is a disappointing train wreck. Instead of being called “The Story of God,” it would be more appropriately titled “Looking for God in All the Wrong Places.” It starts by looking into ancient cultures who tried in vain to invent a higher being. In a smug way it trivializes, mystifies and belittles the true God and gives fuel to skeptics and agnostics.

Christian and religious productions are hot right now. And Hollywood is cashing in. From one perspective that’s unfortunate, because non-biblical productions like The Story of God are becoming popular without bringing satisfaction, understanding and fulfillment about the true God, Creator of all that is.

Ironically, some of the production staff for The Story for God indeed do ask the right questions. “God is arguably the most important topic of our time,” rightly noted one of the show’s producers. Added an advertising agency director, "This is not just a show for believers; it's a show for anyone who has ever asked themselves whether God exists.”

Those are great and right topics and questions to consider. It’s the answers they give that are the problem.

Let’s be honest. Have you ever asked yourself whether God exists? What did you come up with for an answer?

Many people don’t think about that question—or their answer—until something major or tragic happens in their life. Then they may try and strike a bargain with God (or whoever they regard God to be), or cry out in helpless and urgent passion, understanding for the moment how powerless they are.

But you don’t have to find out that way.

Here’s the important truth: God does exist, and He makes open a way for you to find Him and confirm that for yourself.

As the apostle Paul wrote nearly 2,000 years ago, “For since the creation of the world His [God’s] invisible attributes are clearly seen” (Romans 1:20). That reflects the majestic words of King David in Psalm 19: “The heaven declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands…there is no speech or language where their voice is not heard” (Psalm 19:1-3, New International Version).

One of the apostle Paul’s most fervent prayers was for us today, asking that we be spiritually enlightened about God in order to understand “his incomparably great power for us who believe” (Ephesians 1:19, NIV). What a thrilling statement!

Having tried to sit through the opening episode of the National Geographic special on The Story of God, I know firsthand that those producers are looking for God in all of the wrong places. Here’s my point: The most important story is how you form a personal and power-filled relationship with Almighty God yourself! Are you ready to experience what Paul wrote for those who believe?

To start on that path, I invite you to read our special Bible study aid Life’s Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? A free copy is available to you, but you can also download and it read it immediately at the link.

God is writing a story about you, and you can see today where you fit in. Start looking in the right places to find God. Don’t deny yourself access to our incredible God, the power of the universe!

P.S. If you’ve already experienced God’s power in your life or you would like to, please let me know. Write to me at victor_kubik@ucg.org or submit a comment below.

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  • New Covenant Granny

    I was asked by GOD to ask "Unbelievers" to provide a book with as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies written BEFORE Bible and to this date, no one can provide!

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