Why the Women's March Broke My Heart

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Why the Women's March Broke My Heart

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Why the Women's March Broke My Heart

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Watching the coverage of the Women’s March this week has affected me in a way I didn’t expect. I have grown up in a world where protests and demonstrations for certain causes are often highly publicized by the media. I am used to the images—the rage, the costumes, the signs, the loudness of it all. But the Women’s March felt different to me. There were many loud and crass voices—like Madonna—but there were also so many, many ordinary looking people there. These women looked like the people across the aisle in the grocery store. They were moms and grandmas. They looked like people I could be friends with.  They looked like me, but we couldn’t be more different.

It seems to me that the great sisterhood of women, who reached out to others in kindness and cared about the rights of all people weaker than them, is no more.

The Women’s March was held for numerous issues. All of them had to do with great uncertainties about our new president and what types of policies he will create. But where the organizers of the march fell on the abortion issue was made abundantly clear when they barred the pro-life group New Wave Feminists from attending, saying: "The Women’s March’s platform is pro-choice and that has been our stance from day one.”

Some estimates have come in saying that the Women’s March could have been the largest gathering of people in multiple locations in the history of the United States. There were 500,000 in D.C, 750,000 in Los Angeles, 250,000 in New York City and many more in other locations. Those three cities alone add up to more than a million people, the majority of which are women, who are willing and proud to march for a pro-abortion platform. Let me rephrase that: More than a million of these beautiful ladies, who could be the lady buying laundry detergent next to me at Target, are marching for the legal ability to have their own babies murdered in a medical facility. It is beyond ironic that the ugliness of one man’s campaign and the indignity of his words and actions could spur so many to feel that they must march against him, while the pro-abortion platform they support is the epitome of brutality and injustice.

I remember growing up in the 80s and 90s there was the idea that the more women spoke up and engaged with the culture, we would have a kinder world. I think that idea is at the heart of the Women’s March. The presidential campaign was unkind, and the direction of the president seems unkind. Women sense there is something different happening. They are marching because there is a feeling that we may enter into a rougher, uglier and more divisive time in the days ahead. I feel that, in general, many women do want a gentle and kind world. Unfortunately, the noble desire for kindness and gentleness is completely overshadowed by the lie of abortion as a human right.

Human rights are things that improve the lives of all humans. Human rights that only help certain humans, while harming others, are not human rights at all. This is why there is so much concern for the disabled, refugees and minorities. God made and loves every person equally. To say that all unborn babies have no inherent right to live is to take away their human rights. They are younger than us, they cannot speak, and they do not have our abilities. These facts do not mean that we can brutally kill them at will. Instead they mean that they deserve greater protection and greater support. Yet to over a million American women this week, the weakness of the human baby in utero was stomped upon, taken advantage of, and the concept of a better world because of women was made a mockery.

Seeing the Women’s March has changed me. I used to believe in the goodness of women. I used to believe that our gentleness and perceptiveness could improve the world. It is heartbreaking to me that by some estimates 1 in every 100 American women attended one of these marches. It seems to me that the great sisterhood of women, who reached out to others in kindness and cared about the rights of all people weaker than them, is no more.

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:1-7, New International Version).

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  • Gringanica

    This whole Woman's March made me sick to my stomach! They claim the right to their own body yet don't acknowledge that an unborn child is a separate body and that the womb is to be a protected place for this unborn child to grow and develop, just like the body of Christ that we are in now. When those people who remove themselves willingly from the body of Christ, it is a terrible tragedy. These unborn children are innocent and need protection from their mother who is nurturing them from conception. Just as we have no right to tell God how to run His creation, we as future mothers don't have ANY right whatsoever to make the conscious decision to terminate the life of their unborn child! I firmly believe that all children who did not make it to be born alive will be resurrected and these mom's will have some difficult questions to answer when the now resurrected child asks his mommy why she didn't want them!

  • twocents

    It might be premature to declare that "the noble desire for kindness and gentleness is completely overshadowed by the lie of abortion as a human right." For another point of view, please read .

  • twocents

    - the following: Asra Q. Nomani wrote in the Times article of just how “spontaneous” the groundswell of support for the march was [not]. “The Guardian has touted the ‘Women’s March on Washington’ as a ‘spontaneous’ action for women’s rights. Another liberal media outlet, Vox, talks about the ‘huge, spontaneous groundswell’ behind the march. On its website, organizers of the march are promoting their work as ‘a grassroots effort’ with ‘independent’ organizers. Nomani writes that after researching the genesis of this “grassroots effort,” the “independent” organizers weren’t so “independent” after all. The entire event was brought to us by 56 separate organizations.... Although a few groups innocently got caught up in the hype, the driving force behind the march were ... typical radical leftist organizations that always seemed to be present, sponsor and organize these hate-filled liberal events.... Groups like Planned Parenthood, MoveOn.org, The National Action Network, the ACLU, American Atheists, National Resource Defense Council, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Southern Poverty Law Center and The Council on Islamic-American Relations, all had a hand in the march.

  • Lorelei Nettles

    Thanks Joy for this writing. I also wanted to mention that many if not most of these women have never had an abortion. I also am very aware that many women who do have one, often have great regret and sorrow over having done so. I do pray for these women who though they have sinned, become pro-life afterward and often turn to God for forgiveness.

  • Joy Porter

    Thank you so much for your comment, Lorelei. I completely agree with you. Abortion is not a worse sin than any other, and God can and does forgive anyone who repents and changes. The issue that I wanted to bring out in the article was the open acceptance and upholding of the pro- choice stance by so many women. I would like to share a link to this article regarding Post Abortion Syndrome for anyone who may be struggling guilt over a past abortion: https://www.ucg.org/beyond-today/can-a-woman-forget

    Here is a quote from the above article: The truth is that God has created women with the wonderful capacity to give birth to children and love those children in a special way. When this process is interrupted because of sin, it creates an identity crisis. How can one who was created with the capacity to have children agree to have a child killed, however small it was at the time? It is more than guilt over something done. It is an attack on a woman’s very nature. A popular saying goes: “Abortion: One dead, one wounded.”

  • J G

    Joy wrote: "I used to believe in the goodness of women," and the Women's March helped change that. God's Repentance?
    God created the Tree of Knowledge of good and EVIL and said it was "good." Humans by God's WILL learn to hate evil & not judge/blame people.
    Once upon a time, "GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually," and that did not change after the Flood and it is still true today! Why?
    People claim to have "free choice, free will, choice." God told Israel: "... I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life..." And all Israel apparently chose death?!
    Jesus said: "...Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."
    Eph 6:12 tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Consider that flesh and blood should wrestle "...against principalities... powers...the rulers of the darkness of this world...spiritual wickedness in high places," b/c an evil spirit dwells within us (James 4:5) & He that committeth sin is of the devil. 1Jo3:8
    The woman's march breaks our heart when we know its real cause(s) & learn to hate evil.

  • kedesautels57@gmail.com

    We as a people claim to be " one nation under God ", it saddens me to see that people of this nation exalt themselves above the Almighty and judge what is and is not. Both the women and man carry a seed within themselves that when joined together along with the giver of life producers a new life. Each carries a seed, but without the Amighty ' s hand you would have nothing ! People are not the giver of life, you are fashioned in the womb and perfected without hands or tools. That's why your body is a temple! People should not let satan deceive them into exalting themselves above the Almighty! Let us pray for those in darkness, Amen?

  • Peggy Pieroway

    Thanks for putting this in perspective. Young people today are being taught many things, but are not being taught about God. It is exciting to know one day ALL humanity will know God. I look forward to that day.

  • Joy Porter

    Thank you for your comment. That is a good point!

  • Ruth Shoemaker

    Well said Joy. My heart breaks for the unwanted children and for the state of a world that places no value on these precious lives. I applaud those who want to give a voice to those who are silenced before they can speak.

  • hniccum

    Thank you for the article. The media certainly is exposing a lot of things that are heartbreaking. Appears to be such an imbalance on showing bad things on TV and not much good. They don’t provide in their estimates how many women there are in the US versus the number protesting. The number of females in the U.S. as of July 2014 was 162 million, and while the quote used in this article is a little more than a million on this march is still a large number, compared to the census of 2014, it is very small compared to those who (I assume) do not agree with abortion, and for me that is good news because that number far out numbers those who agree with abortion, and to me that leaves me feeling there are still a lot of good women who “believe that our gentleness and perceptiveness could improve the world.” I, too, am disheartened over this march and pray that God will open their hearts, and I still have hope. There are still a lot of good examples out there, but I feel the media doesn’t show that group.
    Doug, “Somebody has to; women have abandoned that responsibility” I don’t feel that all women have abandoned that responsibility.

  • Joy Porter

    Thank you for providing those numbers. They do give me hope. I just grieve for the sea change that is occurring in our culture.

  • hniccum

    You're welcome. When I seen those numbers, was very worried, all I could think was how could there be that many in favor, surely there are more who are opposed. I was so relieved to see the 2014 census. Still, it's heartbreaking, discouraging.

  • hniccum

    Doug, “Somebody has to; women have abandoned that responsibility” I don’t feel that all women have abandoned that responsibility. Please see figures above. I also understand there a lot of women left to raise a baby because men abandoned their responsibility of being a father, and some of that is being factored in people’s reasoning for abortion when it comes to why they feel what they feel. I do not believe in abortion and do not support any part of it, no exceptions. I try not to judge but to understand so I can pray to God.

  • douglasyo

    Certainly you are correct, Helen. Not all women have abandoned that responsibility. And an awful lot of men who don't want to bear the consequences of their actions are to blame, as well. In the San Diego congregation, we are blessed with 3 precious infants under one year old! The pinnacle of God's creation. In its most innocent form. God is a God of life! Abundant life! I, too, was greatly saddened to see a million women promote and support the killing of these miracles.

  • Todd Sauve

    Being 58 years of age and having lived through all of the hoop-lah from the 1960s onward, I have come to realise that women have no more claim to kindness and godly character than men do. Abortion on demand has been a major platform of women's movements from the 60s on through to today. This is sad but true and the media have been their parrots almost the entire time! :(

  • Joy Porter

    I suppose I just had higher hopes for women. Throughout history, I do think women have been generally seen as gentler, but you are right that one's sex doesn't determine their righteousness. It brings to mind Isaiah 49:15: “Can a woman forget her nursing child,
    that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget,
    yet I will not forget you."

    This verse shows that God is the only true source of good. No matter what happens we can trust in Him and His plan for humankind! Meanwhile, humans are writing the lessons on how NOT to run things.

  • Jeff Alsey

    From both a Christian and woman's point of view, you articulated the real reason for the massive march this past week. The apostle Paul's scripture in 2 Timothy chapter 3 that you cited sums up the entire show of malcontent with his opening description of that very reason so many marched - "People will be lovers of themselves". I will be sharing your article as one of my webposts.

  • chakroth

    AGREED with Doug... President Trump will not go directly against Roe vs Wade himself, but he is putting a stop to using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. I couldn't agree with that stance more.
    While I am in agreement with you that the campaign was ugly, I don't see that in President Trump's actions to date. What I have seen is him carrying out his promises as speedily as possible, and he is taking care of his own house (the US), and giving priority to the needs of Americans above the needs of others. I believe this is what he should be doing, and follows scriptural principals.

  • Joy Porter

    I was referring to his past actions in his personal life. It was a new thing for an American president to be inaugurated to the office with his 5 children from three different marriages standing behind him. I will certainly be praying for him and I do rejoice any time that our nation's leaders make choices that align with godly values!

    "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, ..." I Timothy 2:1-4

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