Where Do We Find Contentment?

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Where Do We Find Contentment?

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By the standards of many people today, contentment comes from accumulating possessions and in increasing the amount of wealth that we have. To many, things like power and success pave the way to contentment. Yet in this world we can observe poor people who are laughing, singing and enjoying life, while wealthy and powerful people seem to be dissatisfied no matter how much they have or where they are. What is the difference? Where does contentment come from?

Paul wrote that he learned to be content in whatever state he was (Philippians 4:11). Contentment does not come from getting more and more—because the eye is never content with how much it sees (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11). Contentment is a state of mind that will fit any circumstance we find ourselves in. We can be content with much or with little—if we diminish our wants and change our focus to be on the spiritual more than on the physical. Being rich in the things of the world and poor in the things of God is one great cause of discontentment. Being rich in the things of God is where lasting contentment lies.

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  • KARS

    Greetings Mr. Berendt! As you mentioned above, King Solomon was the wisest man of his time and observed many things. He shared his thoughts of discovery and meditation on life. In the end when we realize that the true riches are spiritual we become those wise virgins that keep their lamps burning and will have the supply they need when the bride-groom comes. For the riches of this world grow old and decay. We can't take it with us when we die.
    It's left to our children's children or others we will it too. Sometimes it ends up being given to a family pet. So we are to be happy with whatever God gives us. Be we rich or poor. Bound or free. Male or female human beings.

  • Robert Berendt

    Hi Kathy - thank you for your observations. It is not easy to say something clearly using just a few words. God is involved in our lives and His word shows that poverty or too much wealth can cause problems (Prov.30:8). We are also to do things with all of our might (our part) and God blesses that (Eccl.9:10). It is a good system - good for us especially. Robert Berendt

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