How Can I Forgive a Fellow Christian Who Has Treated Me Poorly?

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How Can I Forgive a Fellow Christian Who Has Treated Me Poorly?

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How Can I Forgive a Fellow Christian Who Has Treated Me Poorly?

MP3 Audio (4.24 MB)

To forgive a fellow Christian for an offense first requires us to recognize the magnitude of the mercy that has been shown to us for the forgiveness of our own debts. Jesus Christ died in our place for the sins that we have committed (1 Peter 2:23-24). As a result of His atoning sacrifice, our sins are forgiven, and God puts our sins away from us as far as east is from west (Psalm 103:12). This sacrifice was offered for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). While we were still treating God poorly—transgressing His law—He gave His only Son.

We as Christians are admonished to put away anger, malice, bitterness and wrath, and be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another as God has forgiven us.

Secondly, because of the incredible mercy that has been extended to us, we have a spiritual responsibility to extend that mercy to others—to show love to them, even if they aren’t behaving in a way that is particularly deserving of that love. Christ instructed us to love our enemies, to do good to those who spitefully use us, to bless those who curse us, and to be merciful to others as our Father is merciful to us (Luke 6:27-36). This godly love should be a hallmark of a Christian (John 13:34).

Lastly, we have to recognize that we’re all learning and growing together, and that our patience and love is essential as we grow together. We must endeavor to be patient with one another, bearing each other’s faults in love, and forgiving as we were forgiven (Ephesians 4:12; Colossians 3:13). It isn’t always easy. Sometimes people can do terribly hurtful things to us, but we cannot let their actions control us and our attitude.

There is a quote that says “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” There is a degree of truth to this statement. Holding a grudge and not forgiving someone often has a greater negative effect on you and your spiritual condition than it does on the person who wronged you. Instead, we as Christians are admonished to put away anger, malice, bitterness and wrath, and be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another as God has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:31-32).

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  • Candeliza

    Sometimes these days individuals confuse love with excusing wrong behavior that misses the mark. Although in our human nature, the 'old man/woman' resurfaces, it isn't to be habitual as much as possible. Forgiveness is not making excuses for continuation in sin because that would not be for the good of either one involved. Love is partially what is right (true) for the benefit of the other. There are many verses that back this up. It depends on the situation involved. Forgiveness and reconciliation don't always happen together depending on the scenario. Take into consideration I Corinthians 5, 1 Thessolonians 5, Jude, and many more. Dependant on the personalities involved. If a person has followed Mathew 18, and it hasn't produced right fruit, then there are other Scriptures that instruct us. And we trust in GOD to handle the situation.

  • debib564

    Thank you for this message. I’ve been hurt extremely bad. My pastor’s wife has told me it’s not their place to come to my home and pray for me. I’m disabled and now i have Cancer. I took Chemo therapy two times a day. Only to find out it did not work. I’m in prayer for God to send me where i can continue to do his work. Forgiveness is hard when you literally beg people to come and pray with you. Every one of us have a obligation to lift each other up. I forgive but it was lingering in my mind. I won’t miss Heaven for the world. I pray if someone is reading this Let go and Let God. Forgive and pray for God’s will to be done in your life. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. At the end of the day those same people are hurting others. And God will lead us if we listen. And never miss a opportunity to pray for someone. We are all in this together and need each other. God is there and will heal us that have been hurt but we have to let him. Be about God’s business because man will hurt you God is everlasting. Don’t tell God how big your mountain is; tell your mountain how big your God is!!

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