Make God Part of Your Decisions

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Make God Part of Your Decisions

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MP4 Video - 720p (37.4 MB)
MP3 Audio (785.4 KB)


Make God Part of Your Decisions

MP4 Video - 720p (37.4 MB)
MP3 Audio (785.4 KB)

Even in the smallest decisions, how much do we include God in the process?


[Steve Myers] Life is full of decisions. God gives us options, not orders, when it comes to the choices that we make. And life is full of choices, some of them more difficult, some of them a little easier. If you're going to start a family, that's a huge decision. Buying a house, a car, changing jobs, all of those things impact us and we have to be sure we're starting at the right point with the right decision as we make decisions. Well, what would that be?

We'd better make sure that God's a part of every one of those decisions that we make in our life, even the tiniest ones. In Psalm 105, it gives us that direction very clearly. First, it starts by saying, "Give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name." Do you sometimes make a decision, and then you look back and think, "Oh boy, I should have had God as a part of that. I should have prayed to God and sought His advice, His direction, put Him first." That's what Psalm 105 is talking about.

In fact, in Verse 4, it says, "Seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His face forevermore. Come before God's presence." Because as we make decisions, God loves it when we listen to Him, when we look to Him, when we ask Him for His direction in our life. So if we want to travel the right road, we want to make sure we're on the right path, make sure and put God first. And when we put God first, that's when things will definitely go in the right direction.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.