Are You Too Amused?

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Are You Too Amused?

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Are You Too Amused?

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Americans are expected to spend $22 billion on amusement parks in 2019. But breaking down the word "amusement" gives us a caution about how we spend our time.


[Steve Myers] Amusement. It's a big deal these days. I was just reading an article that talked about amusement parks. Do you know what the revenue of amusement parks in America is that's predicted for this year? Twenty-two billion dollars is what the revenue will be. We spend a lot of money on amusement in America. In fact when you put all the things together, any types of entertainment, movies and video games, we are a people who love to be amused. I mean, think about amusement for a minute. What is an amusement? Well, it can be a pastime, it can be a plaything, but the word actually originates from anything that diverts your attention. An amusement diverts your attention. Now of course we should have fun. We should have relaxation. That's something that is certainly important. But the point is sometimes we get so into that we don't do anything else. Some people get addicted to amusements, to movies, to video games, to things like that and it becomes such a distraction. And that's the challenge.

In fact, it's interesting if you break down this word a little bit. Amusement is actually made up of these various parts. And of course as you consider something, is to muse about it. To think deeply about it. That's the meaning of this word. To think deeply about something. To muse. We don't use it a lot today but that's the original meaning of that word. To really deeply think about something. Now of course you add this prefix, A-muse, means not musing. Which means really literally, we're not thinking. We're not thinking. That's not a good thing when it comes to our spirituality. When it comes to God's way, we do not want to be distracted. 

There's a passage in Colossians 3:2 and here is what it says, "Set your mind on things above." Don't be distracted in other words. Don't be A-mused. Don't be not thinking when it comes to what's most important in your life but really focus on it. Really concentrate on it. So it says, "Set your mind on things above. Not on the things of the earth." And so it becomes very critical for us. We don't wanna get distracted. Keep your spiritual focus. In fact, maybe take some time to read through all of chapter 3 in Colossians because it really does zero in on a focus for what should be most important in our life. So we should enjoy things. We should take time to rest and relax but don't get distracted. Always keep focused and that way we can be sure to set our mind on the things that are the most important.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.