God Knows You

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God Knows You

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God Knows You

MP4 Video - 1080p (63.06 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (37.89 MB)
MP3 Audio (877.67 KB)

Even before we know what to ask for, God knows what we need.


[Steve Myers] Isn't it nice when someone just knows you? The other day it was really a hot day. I was just sweating like crazy, walked in the house and before I could go and get a glass of cold water here was my wife walking right towards me with an ice-cold glass, and boy did that taste great. Hit the spot just beautifully. But she knew even before I asked, or even wanted, or even got to the sink myself, there it was.

And it reminded me, that's exactly the way our great God is. If you ever have a doubt, "Well, does God hear my prayers? Does He really understand? Does He really know me?" The answer is, "Absolutely yes." Isaiah is a section of scripture that reminds us of that very fact. Isaiah 65:24. Notice what it says. It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer. And while they're still speaking, I will hear. You see, God understands us. He knows us.

He knows everything about us. And so if you ever wonder, "Does God really understand?" The answer is, "Absolutely yes." And even before we could get the words out He's ready to help. He's ready to intercede. He's ready to be there whenever and always when we need Him. So remember, we've got that kind of a God who knows us even before we say the words.

That's BT Daily and we'll see you next time.