Teacher's Pet?

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Teacher's Pet?

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Teacher's Pet?

MP4 Video - 1080p (91.77 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (55.35 MB)
MP3 Audio (1.21 MB)

How does God view us? Does He ever show favoritism?


[Steve Myers] When you were back in school, you probably knew exactly who was teacher's pet. A teacher's favorite student, the one that could do no wrong. We've probably all been in those kinds of situations throughout our life, whether it was back in grade school or even today, we get passed over because somebody else is the boss's favorite and they can do no wrong. If that's happened to you, which it probably has, you can take to heart the fact that is not the way that God is.

There's a passage in the book of Romans 2:11 that tells us straight out about how great a God we have. It says, "There is no partiality with God." No partiality. And that's an interesting word. If you were to look that up in the Greek, the word for partiality literally means to receive the face. To receive the face. In other words, because of position or just because you like someone or because they're wealthy or because they're good looking or because they have influence that you favor them.

Well, God doesn't play favorites. God isn't that kind of a being. Over and over and over again throughout scripture, we're told that very fact, God does not accept the face. He doesn't receive the face. So just because someone may have looks or position, it doesn't win any favor with God. God treats you as you is. He loves everyone. He loves everyone. And that's the great thing about God. In fact, in the book of Galatians, it's a good reminder because there it tells us a similar thing. It uses a little bit different wording, but it tells us much the same thing in the book of Galatians. This is in Galatian 2:6. It says, "It makes no difference to me," Paul says. "God shows no personal favoritism. He shows no favoritism to no man."

And so that's a wonderful thing that we can take to heart because we've probably been overlooked in our life or mistreated because someone else had the teacher's ear. But it's not that way with God. God loves us for who we are and loves us all equally. And so what a blessing to consider that that's the kind of God that we have.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.