Life is Short

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Life is Short

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Life is Short

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MP3 Audio (1.27 MB)

Life is short, so praise God.


[Steve Myers] Well, we've all heard the phrase, that "Life is short." Certainly, your Bible even tells us that life goes fast. It goes by very fast. One of the things that is evidence of that is a passage that's found in Psalm 103. Here in Psalm 103, beginning in verse 15, it reminds us of that. It says, "As for man, his days are like grass. He flourishes like a flower of the field. His blossoms comes up beautiful, but then," it says, "The wind passes over it. and it's gone. And its place knows it no more."

I mean, the message is, life is short. Life is short, and one thing that we need to remember is it goes by so quickly. And so, with that in mind, praise God. Worship Him. Put Him first in life. When life is short, will you recognize that? Remember, God has redeemed us. He's given us a Savior. Our sins can be forgiven. Life is short, so honor Him, and praise Him. He hasn't dealt with us the way that we deserve. We deserve death. And yet, we can be forgiven through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Life is short, so praise God. He has an amazing plan. He has an awesome thing in mind for every single one of us. And in fact, that next verse in Psalm 103 says this. "The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting." Life is short, so praise God.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.