World News and Prophecy: March - April 2003

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In This Issue

  • by Fred Nance
The people of Latin America are voting for leaders whom they hope can lift the region's millions from the grips of poverty. The gap between rich and poor has become the main issue throughout the region and therefore a primary theme of regional leaders, whether conservative or liberal.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
Millions of Americans are heavily burdened with first and, in many cases, second mortgages. People reached for "the American dream" of owning their home-but often a home somewhat beyond the reach of their incomes. Additionally, they pulled needed cash out of home equity through refinancing. Who controls these loans? What do creditors receive in return for their money? Are we about to experience a...
  • by John Ross Schroeder
From Sept. 11, 2001, until now and unfortunately on into the foreseeable future, we have lived and are living in a different world-too often blighted by the specter of fear. How does our Creator advise us to respond to the fears within us all?
  • by Darris McNeely
It is easy to be worried by the immediate issues of life. But a Christian looks beyond today's world to the time when God will intervene to restore the eternal values of His Kingdom.
  • by Cecil Maranville
As in so many wars in the past, combatants, their families and fellow citizens in the present and soon-to-be wars call on God for help. They sincerely expect that a divine being blesses, even orders their efforts and that His supernatural intervention will guarantee safety and success. Their hearts would melt should they hear what God has told others. bn