A Biblical Worldview: Can There Be a Gaza Ceasefire?

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Can There Be a Gaza Ceasefire?

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A Biblical Worldview: Can There Be a Gaza Ceasefire?

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MP3 Audio (6.51 MB)

United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, discusses the ongoing conflict in Gaza, discussing Israeli airstrikes, humanitarian concerns, the likelihood of a lasting ceasefire and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's stance on continuing the fight against Hamas.

Rick Shabi then delves into the ancient enmity between Israel and the Arab nations, tracing it back over 3,000 years to ongoing conflicts between Israel and the descendants of Amalek, highlighting instances of hostility recorded in the Bible. He suggests that this conflict will persist until the return of Jesus Christ and emphasizes the importance of turning to God and seeking repentance.

Watch to gain insights into biblical views on the future and the role of faith in navigating uncertain times.


[Rick Shabi] As you continue to see in the news each day, the Israeli armed forces continue to bombard Gaza in retaliation for Hamas' surprise and brutal attack on Israel the morning of October 7. It doesn't appear the end is anywhere in sight. Meanwhile, with talk of a half million people facing famine and starvation, getting aid to the Palestinians is on the mind of many. And there is a daily talk in the news of a ceasefire. The real question is, is it likely there will be a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, or will this fighting just go on and on? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will continue the fight until Hamas is wiped out. Back in January, he made a statement that incited many when he referenced why he and Israel feel that way. Here's what he said. "In the last couple of days, I've met with our soldiers in the bases, in the field, in the north, and in the south. Remember what Amalek has done to you. We remember and we are fighting." Who or what is Amalek, and how does that play into this conflict?

Indeed, there is an ancient enmity between Israel and the Arab nations of the Middle East. Mr. Netanyahu was talking about this hatred and war that goes way back, further than 1948 when the Middle Eastern nation of Israel was founded in the aftermath of World War II. In fact, the Bible records the beginning of this warfare dating back more than 3,000 years. Let's just get a little history on this enmity and see from the Bible who Amalek is and why this will go on until the return of Jesus Christ. Amalek is an ancient nation, as I said, referenced in the Bible. They are the descendants of Esau, who was the twin brother of Jacob. Jacob is the father of Judah. Judah is the father of the Jewish race. The enmity between the brothers goes way back to when Jacob tricked his brother out of the birthright, which was a valuable commodity back then. You can read about that, if you're interested, in Genesis 27.

Jacob's descendants, known as Israel, eventually were in slavery in Egypt until God miraculously brought them out. You remember the accounts of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. That's when God brought Israel out of slavery. As God brought them out, they were met with hostility by the nation of Amalek, the Amalekites. Notice what the Bible says about that attack. We read about it in Deuteronomy 25:17-18. "Remember..." God says, "Remember what Amalek did to you." These are the same words Mr. Netanyahu said back in January. "Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you were coming out of Egypt, how he met you on the way and attacked your rear ranks, all the stragglers at your rear when you were tired and weary, and he didn't fear God."

The nation of Amalek launched a surprise attack on Israel after God delivered them. The method of their warfare, surprised, unprovoked, brutal, not attacking like traditional armies but attacking women and children, is exactly the same method that Hamas used in attacking Israel on October 7. It is terrorism, the type of fighting that the Middle East has become known for. God condemned that attack and that method of fighting. In Exodus 17:14-16, "Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven, because the Lord, the Almighty God, has sworn He will have war with Amalek from generation to generation." He commanded Israel to remember that fight, and years later he commanded the first king of Israel, Saul, to wipe out Amalek because of their incessant hatred of Israel.

Contrary to popular belief, the Amalekites have not been blotted out. The spirit of hatred against Israel with the mission of wiping out the Jews continues. During King David's time, the Bible mentions the Amalekites, that they were alive, they attacked Israel, and then some escaped. Today they're no longer known as Amalekites, but the spirit of intense hatred against Israel continues. Not every Middle Eastern nation or tribe demonstrates it, but there are those who do not hide their hatred with shouts of, "Death to Israel," or even, "Death to America." And you can see this hatred down through history. The Nazis had an unreal hatred for the Jews. Six million were killed by Hitler. ISIS terrorized the Middle East with beheadings and merciless assault on whatever people they encountered. People fled in terror from them until they were finally defeated.

Terrorism is alive and well today. The peoples go by a different name than Amalekites, but they are still given to terror and an intense hatred of the Jews. Given the number of illegal immigrants that are now in the United States and Europe, is it any wonder that the acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise? There are peoples today who are committed to the genocide of the Jewish race. These attacks will not end. It will be just as the Bible says. "There will be war between Israel and Amalek from generation to generation," until Jesus Christ returns and finally brings lasting peace to the whole world.

Again in Deuteronomy 32:25, quoting from the Bible, it says of the end times that there will be "terror within," nations that depart from God. Where will all this enmity, hatred, and warfare lead? Well, the Bible tells us. Eventually, the prophesied king of the North, the European dictator who will emerge on the world scene, will march through the Middle East and subdue them. Christ says that just before His return, armies will surround Jerusalem. When that happens, God says to those who are in Judea, in Israel, "Flee to the mountains." That time is near. The little nation of Israel, which is composed of the Jews known as Judah in the Bible, will fall before the return of Jesus Christ. Again in the Bible in Hosea 5:5-7, it says, "The pride of Israel testifies to his face. Therefore, Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquity, and Judah also falls with them."

The time is coming when America will fall because of its wickedness and turning from God. Israel cannot survive without its American ally, and it will fall, too. When it falls, the time Christ spoke of, the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24, will come upon this people who have departed from His ways. That time will be worse than any time before. Christ said if He didn't return, no flesh would be saved alive. But He is our Savior, and He will return and establish His kingdom on earth. The only way of escape from all this, Christ says, is to turn to Him. No government of man will save you, only Jesus Christ. He is the only hope for this world. Open your Bible. Read it. Christ said, "Watch and return to Him. Live by His way, that you may be counted worthy to escape what is coming and stand before the Son of Man."

What happened that October morning in Israel was horrific. A worse time of terror is coming, but you can stand right through it all. How? You must turn to God. You must do what Christ said. Some of his first words were, "Repent and believe the gospel." Ask yourself honestly, do you even know His gospel and truth? When is the last time you opened your Bible and read His words for yourself? Open it, read it, get to know what the Almighty God says. Your salvation depends on it. It is time to turn back to God with a genuine repentance and commitment to live his way. Blow the dust off your Bible. Open it and do what Christ says. The kingdom of heaven and the return of Jesus Christ is near. It is time to turn back to God now. Read, heed, and save yourself from the certain wrath to come. You can learn more about all this at ucg.org.