The Holy Spirit at Work

Divine Aid in Understanding God's Word

Scripture is a product of supernatural inspiration powered by the spirit of God. So, It should not be a surprise that you need divine aid to understand the true meaning of scripture. That divine aid comes from the holy spirit.


The Work of the Holy Spirit

The holy spirit is at work in the people of God. The areas of our lives touched by the holy spirit are many. Two broad categories we could apply are INPUT, and OUTPUT:

Input: through the active power of God present within us  good things come into our lives such as: conviction, faith, understanding, discernment, courage, endurance and more.

Output: though acting upon and using these good things God gives us through the spirit we are able to produce good mental attitudes: love, peace, joy, humility, kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness, kindness, etc. These are examples of "thinking like God", and they form the foundation of life everlasting, the bedrock principles of the kingdom of God, and positive participation in the family of God.

These inputs and outputs are workings of the holy spirit. Is there more we can know about the actual "mechanics" of how the spirit of God interacts with our minds and human spirits? Yes, there is.

Is there anything we can do to "grease the wheels", so that the good things coming into our lives and the good things produced in our live flow more freely? Yes, there is.

Our purpose today is to review the work of holy spirit which is involved in our understanding of God’s word.

What Can Be Known… What Cannot

Through scripture our Father Creator has given us insight into what we need to know to play our part in the transformation and renewing of our minds after the pattern of Jesus. However, there are also things we do not know. The creative mind of human beings loves to speculate. We can't help trying to peer into things we cannot know at this stage in our development:

  1. What would living in eternal time be like? Sorry, you won't know until you are there.
  2. If there is a reality beyond the material world what might it be like?

The scriptures also tell us God Himself is unsearchable [inscrutable]. Meaning there are aspects of God and His workings that are unknowable to us. Aspects beyond the five senses, aspects beyond human thought and experience... we have nothing to compare them with and therefore no way to understand them.

John 3:5-8 in the same manner there are aspects of the holy spirit's interaction with you that I cannot really speak to or address in concrete terms.

Output: we can talk about the output of the spirit: patience, gentleness, humility etc. but not really plumb the depths of how it comes to pass. We know it when we see it... but its hard to explain. People can mimic the attributes of humility without really being humble... its hard for others to evaluate the sincerity. God is able to make that call, but I cannot explain how He does it.

Input: previously, I mentioned conviction, faith, understanding, discernment, courage, endurance as helpful attributes that enter your consciousness though the power of the spirit. While there is a part of this process that is unknowable... there is a part of it that is also very knowable... and actionable.

It is knowable because it is rooted in the written record of scripture.

Transfer and Comprehension of Information

The most important work of the holy spirit during your days in the flesh is to help you understand and comprehend truth. That truth is presented to you in the form of information... scripture! John 17:15-19

Ephesians 5:25-27 the holy spirit is the power and active energy of Christ at work in you... transforming you... and in the material realm the chief vehicle He operates through is the word of scripture.

1 Corinthians 11:2 Jesus works through His church and ministry to provide guidance and instruction in the word is the preparation of the bride of Christ. This guidance and instruction is powered by the spirit of Christ present and active in the church.

Acts 22:14-16 that washing begins with repentance that leads to baptism which is a change of mind and attitude on your part. A willingness to accept instruction... to accept what Christ has done for you... and you are washed in His blood and ready to partake of the spiritual things that proceed from God which are transmitted  through scripture.

Your foundation begins with a lot of self study. That then needs to be guided by instruction during services, UCG’s vast archives of recorded sermons, UCG’s large library of written publications, study papers etc. If all I ever did was self study, I would be as lost as the next person. To whatever extent I understand the scriptures I owe to the guidance and instruction I have received over the years.

Information: The Bridge Between Spiritual and Material

You are a material being... God is spirit. While there is definitely a direct link between you and God on a spiritual level... the primary mechanism through which God communicates with you is physical in nature: ink on paper, sound waves etc. The information conveyed by this ink, or these sound waves is a bridge between the spiritual and the physical.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 scripture is "God breathed"... it is information that proceeds forth from God. Note: this description also tells us this information is "useful". Its not just designed for contemplation, insight, or inward meditation... it is actionable and affects behavior.

2 Peter 1:21 this word from God is transmitted to you through ink and paper... but also through human beings who are used as tools/agents to make it happen. Furthermore, those used in this manner affect how the word is transmitted [in the same a particular type of paintbrush would affect the outcome of the painting and artist is producing]. This is a stumbling block for some.

If scripture is a product of supernatural inspiration powered by the spirit of God then it seems only logical that the information within have a supernatural nature as well as a rational. It provides information that goes beyond describing what is... it opens a doorway to what is not otherwise known. Hebrews 11:1-2

It  should be no surprise that you need divine aid to understand the true meaning of scripture. God has to teach you. That divine aid comes from the holy spirit. This is the primary way in which the holy spirit is at work in you. When Jesus spoke to the disciples right before the end... this particular work of the spirit is what He focused on.

John 16:12-13 for some of the disciples  this came to pass in the form of actually writing portions of the new testament potion of scripture themselves. However, for most this would come to pass as witnessing and teaching from scripture that had already been written… the old testament.

John 14:16 without the active presence of the holy spirit within... a person will not be able to access, process, and understand all that the word of God has to offer.

To get to that "next level" of understanding you need help. You need the assistance of the holy spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:9-14 … the deep things of God

An Important Step To Deeper Understanding Is to Obey

Acts 5:32 do this and God will begin to open up understanding through His spirit.

For example: others see the obvious typology of the holy days [such as Pentecost] but then totally miss out on the full development of the concept because they refuse to do it... to observe it. Once you actually start keeping the annual holy days a whole new world of understanding opens up. Through simple obedience to the holy days the church of God has gained valuable insight into the deep things of God … the nature of the resurrection, judgment, how God will address the problem of evil.

Doing is an essential step in God's plan for instruction and transformation. It applies to holy days it applies to the 10 commandments etc.

For Deeper Understanding You Need Humility

Humility is one of the attitudes produced by the active work of the holy spirit in you. A humble attitude and approach is going to affect your personal relationships with others, AND it will have a profound affect on your ability to understand the message of scripture. PRAY that you might have a teachable spirit. Ask for God’s help to understand the written word. Put the power of the holy spirit to work in you life.

Humility impacts your willingness to repent and admit you don't have the answers. It will impact your willingness obey and do. It can be humbling to go to your boss and tell him you cannot work on the Sabbath, or that you need the holy days off. Humility will also affect your willingness to follow the next point as well. Which is:

To Understand Scripture You Must Accept Instruction

This is a great stumbling block for many many people... it is a matter of pride.

Ezekiel 2:2- 3:9 Israel did not have the holy spirit... they perceived the truth at a certain [very literal level] but the deep spiritual truths it offered blew right past them. God calls them stiff hearted, meaning they are proud. The Jews of Jesus' day were scrupulous law keepers [and proud of it] but they totally missed the weightier matters such as: mercy, judgment, and faith.

2 Corinthians 3:14-18 that veil is personal pride. Understanding the truth of scripture requires addressing pride. It says here that only through Christ is this veil removed.

You have to accept Christ as the one who saves you... you have to accept His active ongoing work in you, which is powered by the spirit of God in you... and as we read in verse 18 the goal of this unveiled understanding of scripture is that you might be transformed into the likeness of Christ... Through the active work of the holy spirit you will be washed in the word.

Let it change you… not just inform you.

Who Will You Listen To

Recently, I have had to deal with yet another instance of people who have rejected the Church of God and opted to follow the teachings of others. Which meant, they felt their fellowship with the church could not continue in good conscience. In this case they were opting for interpretations of scripture that ultimately trace back to the teachings of rabbi's, talmud and Judaism.

They had a long list of differences on calendar issues, peculiarities about holy day observance, practices from the old covenant... even how a person receives the holy sprit through baptism and the laying on of hands. I am amazed that people would cast aside the Church of God [and all the truth it provides on the weighier matters] for interpretations of scripture ultimately derived from those who do not even accept Christ.

Equally vexing are those who get their thinking tied up in knots by listening to popular preachers and teachers who do not accept obedience to the commandments! Another type of veil drawn across their understanding because of pride.

A teacher of God’s word must keep the commandments of God AND have the testimony of Jesus. Peopl who do not have both are not to be trusted as teachers.

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 teaching in the church is a demonstration of the spirit of power

Ephesians 3:16-21 we grasp the truth through the power of the holy spirit of God in us. In addition to instruction some lessons are learned through experience… some through meditation and thought. But, in all instances we verify that they are indeed pointing to the truth of God by comparing them with the written record.

Be like the Bereans… to the law and the testimony! Trust but verify.

Ephesians 4:11-16 God has appointed teachers to provide you understanding according to the power of the holy spirit active within the Church. This same power works in you comprehend and understand... through obedience, humility, and instruction.


The work of the holy spirit in you is multi-faceted. It is the power of life itself, which God implants in you... But as of yet we have not yet attained that everlasting life. For now, the work of the holy spirit in us is to bring about a transformation of mind and character to equip us for eternity.

The primary way the holy spirit performs this work is by helping you understand the message and teachings of your Creator. May God’s power be in you… may His spirit of truth be in  you.

Craig Scott pastors the United Church of God congregations in Raleigh, Greensboro and Jacksonville, North Carolina.

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