The following study papers have been approved by the Council of Elders. Click on the title of the paper to open the PDF file.
Are Our Children Called Now?
Balloting in the Church
Beginning of the Sabbath
Born Again
The Covenants of God
Defining the Biblical Marriage Relationship
Divine Healing
Divorce and Remarriage Doctrinal Statement
Exodus 34:22 and the Calendar
Godly Governance
The Hebrew Calendar Summary
Hebrew Calendar Appendices
Interracial Marriage
Jury Duty
Keeping a Holy Convocation
Last Great Day / Eighth Day
Marrying Outside the Faith
Music in the Bible
New Testament Passover
Night to Be Observed
Passover of Exodus 12
Passover of Exodus 12 (Appendix)
Passover in Your Home
Pentecost and Its Observance
Preaching the Gospel
Principles of Sabbath Observance
Reconciliation and Matthew 18
Response to "A New Look at Prophecy"
Should Christians Observe New Moons?
The 70 Weeks Prophecy
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Nature of God and Christ
II Thessalonians and the Man of Sin
Tithing on Net Income
Third Tithe
Voting and Involvement in Politics