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Bill Clinton

  • by Scott Ashley
What does God look for in a leader? Does He expect certain standards and behavior in a person chosen for a role of leadership and service to others?
  • by Cecil Maranville
"It's the economy, stupid!" was posted in the campaign headquarters of Governor Bill Clinton during his run for the White House in 1992, reminding staff of the primary issue on the minds of the voting public. One of the greatest issues arising out of the present presidential election is the crisis in education. Most proposals include injecting large sums of money into the current educational...
  • by Scott Ashley
"... The country has embraced unprecedented moral laxity. Some people say [the U.S. president] has given no moral leadership, which is false. [He] has led America into an acceleration of its moral decline. A country declined to take an easy line with lies and deception, especially regarding sexual infidelity, now has little choice but to accept cheating as common when the President set the...