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Brexit is a term used for the United Kingdom's planned withdrawal from the European Union. The word is a combination of "Britain" and "exit".

  • by Darris McNeely

At the end of 2020 the United Kingdom finally left the European Union;...

  • by Darris McNeely

Brexit is now official. What comes next now that Britain is no longer part...

  • by Darris McNeely
A recent European news analyst commented that both of the principal Anglo-Saxon countries—the United Kingdom and the United States of America—are in a state of chaos. Where will it lead? he asked. It’s a good question as we turn the page to 2020.
  • by Paul Kieffer
Concerns over NATO’s future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe’s horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?
  • by Beyond Today Editor
In late March British Prime Minister Theresa May sent a formal letter to the head of the European Union stating that the United Kingdom will be officially withdrawing from the EU. The British citizens voted to leave in 2016, and now the government is making it official. The process will still take a few years along with a negotiation period.
  • by George Carter
The shock waves have died down, but the effects will continue. The British people voted to leave the European Union, and it came as a great surprise to many, including even the British government under then-Prime Minister David Cameron. But the roots of this decision actually go back centuries.
  • by Dan Taylor
Britain’s vote to leave the European Union shocked the nation’s and the continent’s political elites. What’s behind it? And what does it mean for Britain and Europe as a whole?
  • by Beyond Today Editor
In a June 2016 referendum, 52 percent of the British people voted for Brexit—Britain’s exit from the European Union—leading to the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron, an advocate of Britain staying in the EU. Incoming Prime Minister Theresa May wanted to move ahead with triggering Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty to begin a two-year negotiated departure, but Britain’s supreme court...
  • by Beyond Today Editor
The Brexit vote in Britain to leave the European Union has provoked a great deal of anger at Britain by many in Europe, but it has also served as encouragement to many other Europeans to focus on preserving their own individual nations and cultures against pan-Europeanism and immigration from the Muslim Middle East and North Africa—and it has led to growing support for nationalist or “far right”...
  • by Darris McNeely
The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote (Brexit) has thrown those assumptions into doubt. What does the future hold for Europe?
  • by Darris McNeely

Britain this week starts a serious discussion about leaving the European...