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"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

  • by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, Scott Buchanan, Matthew Hernandez, Chaz Leathers, Micah Gunn

Jelly gives a report on his favorite book!

  • by United News
The news and my initial response left me feeling as though I had been knocked off my feet by a tsunami. Waves of stifling emotions washed over me. It seemed as though the familiar terrain I had previously defined as our family had been erased.
  • by Robert H Berendt
The Duke of Windsor once wrote, “The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children.”
  • by Aaron Dean
Two months ago Michelle and I were in Roseville, California, for the birth of our daughter and son-in-law’s first child. God gave Grace on Thanksgiving Day, a true gift since it was a national holiday and everyone was off work and available. Obviously, you cannot time these things, but I was thankful I could be there.
  • by Rudy Rangel III
Our job as parents is a big one. We need to train our children to make good and right decisions. We have to train them to analyze situations and prepare for situations they may find themselves in.
  • by Ed Dowd
Our children have the potential of being a kingdom of priests to our Great God. Together let’s teach our children, encourage them through our words, and show them by our example that God’s way is a blessing and it really does work!
  • by Craig Scott
Children are a great blessing. They have many wonderful attributes like wonder, openness, eagerness to learn, but they need you to spend time with them to provide guidance and instruction in a one-on-one setting that only you as a parent can really provide.
  • by Robert H Berendt
Do we have the hunger, patience and great skill required in order to become successful fishers of men?
  • by Malcolm Murray
One thing can lead to another - where do your actions and thoughts lead you?