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  • by United Church of God
The “Lord’s Passion,” also sometimes called the "Passion of the Christ," is a phrase used in Catholic and some Protestant teaching to refer to the suffering of Jesus Christ.
  • by United Church of God
Crucifixion wasn't always carried out the way we've seen it typically depicted in paintings and pictures.
  • by Dan Dowd
Have you ever thought about what your last words would be before you die? Most people don’t. One’s last words can have meaning. The most profound example of someone whose words and actions changed history for the better is Jesus Christ.
  • by George Carter
At the very end, having writhed in agony for hours in shameful public crucifixion, the Son of God overcame the last terrible temptation as a man.
  • by Jerold Aust
The apostle Paul compared Jesus Christ to the lamb slain at Passover. At His last Passover with His disciples, Jesus told His followers to continue to partake of the Passover symbols of unleavened bread and wine as representative of His sacrifice. What are we to learn from these things?
  • by Greg Sargent
"Knowing Christ and Him crucified" may well be an overworked phrase within traditional mainstream Christianity. But this phrase is indeed from the Bible and, therefore, we should not close our ears to it. More than that, the principle involved is central to overcoming sin.
  • by Kevin Epps
Some additional technical research can help explain why John used the term "the Jews' Feast of Tabernacles" for this universal Feast.