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Dating can be confusing, stressful, and hurtful. The examples (and mistakes!) of individuals in the Bible can help us to be wiser, and to navigate this stage of life more gracefully and joyfully.

  • by United Church of God
A strong marriage is the foundation for a strong family. What does the Bible reveal about dating, love and building a successful marriage?
  • by Vertical Thought
What is love, and what is infatuation? Do you think you know? Before you assume you're in love, you should be sure you know what it is!
  • by Howard Davis
Is finding your "one true love" an impossible dream? How can you know when you have found "the right one"?
  • by Vertical Thought
The truth is that the Bible describes the role of women as one of great honor and worth.
  • by Vertical Thought
Godly husbands will treat their wives and children with affection and provide spiritual leadership.
  • by Vertical Thought
If you enter into marriage blinded by physical attraction, you'll be rudely awakened not long after, when the full character of your spouse becomes evident.