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  • by Steve Myers

The proper perspective is the starting point to a clearer path forward.

  • by Lorelei Nettles
We see and hear things every day that we allow to influence us. Are we using the sword of God's Word to discern which things are good?
  • by Amanda Stiver
One source reports the news one way. Another presents a very different picture. How do we make sense of these confusing discrepancies?
  • by United Church of God
Sometimes we might blush at our actions—that is a good start.
  • by Cecil Maranville
Does this strike you as an unusual article title for this publication? It shouldn't. Not all prophecies are worth your time and consideration-even some of the most intriguing ones! The undiscriminating face two dangers: being taken in by misleading information or failing to hear and heed genuine prophetic messages. Two "prophets" whose messages are currently being given wide circulation...
  • by Wilbur Berg
Over the years people have expressed not only their appreciation, but sometimes even their dissatisfaction for the spiritual diet they have received from the Church. Based on the old King James wording taken from Hebrews 5:12-14, such negative comments often revolved around what was "milk" and what was "strong meat."