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dressing modestly

  • by David Treybig
Given the impact clothes can have on both guys and girls, how can a young person look fashionable while also modeling and promoting godly thinking?
  • by Amanda Stiver
Have people in history always dressed modestly? The past is sometimes presented as an example of fully covered, “proper” fashion, and the present is portrayed as one of overly exposing formerly covered parts of the body. Is this really true?
  • by Don Hooser
This article is a follow-up to the previous articles, "Good Sex, Bad Sex" and "Heart-to-Heart Talk With Men and Teen Boys." References to "women" include teenage girls and references to "men" include teenage boys.
  • by Cecil Maranville
A study by San Diego State University shows a shocking cultural shift in the attitudes and practices of teen girls regarding sex. What should you do to help your teens avoid the pain and suffering this could bring?
  • by Colleen Winner, Jim Servidio
Last issue we looked at the pervasiveness of immodest dress and the challenges this poses for those of us striving to live godly lives. This article identifies godly principles to consider in our clothing and appearance as Christians. A sermon further addressing this is also being planned.—Youth Education Team
  • by David Treybig, Kathy Giese, Zelda Hanisko
Realizing the immense cultural pressure our members face in our modern world, this article is being provided as an introduction in educating our membership on the subject of modesty in dress. This article will focus on the pervasiveness of immodest dress in our society and the challenge this poses for those of us striving to live godly lives. A second article, to appear in the next issue of...