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Everyone needs to be encouraged in their lives. Numerous Bible scriptures offer personal encouragement that can be applied in your daily life and can help provide inspiration on how you can encourage others as they face life's challenges. These articles below can help guide you in that process.

  • by Darris McNeely

Sometimes, when we're deep in a trial, God will provide us a "wide place" to...

  • by Steve Myers

God called you during a unique time in mankind's history, and He will help...

  • by Janet Treadway
Grandparents raising their grandchildren for different reasons is on the rise. I call them heroes because they are sacrificing to give their grandchildren the best opportunities they can.
  • by Mike Phelps
The electric power of encouragement is yours to give!
  • by Katherine Rowland
“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).
  • by Janet Treadway
Have you ever felt you were doing the death crawl? I know that I have—it’s when you’ve exhausted every fiber of your being, lost hope, and want to quit. Do you ever feel that you are at your absolute limits? That your trials are getting heavier and heavier with every weight or trial added to you?
  • by Tina Cason
It took me growing up and growing into Christ to realize I am not special, but for some reason, God found me worthy to understand His truth at this time.
  • by Darris McNeely

What do you believe about life, and especially about death? Whatever you...

  • by Lorelei Nettles
Our words can improve a person's very outlook. Are we expressing positive things to others?