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Focus On

These series of blogs focus on several topics that will provide help for today and hope for tomorrow.

  • by Steven Britt
The second coming of Jesus Christ is a major focal point of Bible prophecy. Is it possible that this momentous occasion will be known to only a few people?
  • by Debbie Carper
God has blessed life with many pleasures and good experiences. But we need to be careful we don't get so caught up in them that we forget to look forward to His coming Kingdom.
  • by Frank Dunkle
The Bible is full of practical, down-to-earth and powerful lessons. Reading it regularly will change your life.
  • by Nicholas Bizic
Have you ever thought about why we think? Turns out this simple question has a not-so-simple answer. While we search for the physical origin, a spiritual solution looks us right in the face.
  • by R. J'Non Whitlark
Psalm 103 and the lessons we can learn about maintaining the spiritual fruit of joy during the difficult, painful trials of life.
  • by Lorelei Nettles
When we express godly love, we are showing people what God is like.
  • by Steven Britt
The question of bearing fruit expresses a worry that many of us have: Are we doing enough?
  • by Ben Light
Unchecked fear and anxiety can lead us down a dark path. But it doesn't have to be this way. A relationship with your Creator can help you deal with stress in a healthy way.