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God's way

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One of our main goals as Christians is acquiring a better relationship with our heavenly Father. When that means we have to give up things in our life, how do we respond?
  • by John LaBissoniere
Throughout history, inventors have produced physical innovations that have bettered the lives of many people. In an infinitely greater endeavor, the Eternal Creator has developed a remarkable spiritual advancement that will enhance the lives of every person on Earth.
  • by joe handley
Life is filled with trades. We trade our time and our talents for wages, and then we take that money and trade it for various goods and services we need. This trading analogy can provide us with valuable insight to keep us from ever trading what God has given us for what Satan offers.
  • by Lorelei Nettles
When someone brings something special into another person's life they are often called bright lights. When God-fearing people show how to live a truly Christian life they become brighter lights.
  • by John LaBissoniere
Having been with Jesus Christ throughout His 3½-year ministry, His original 12 disciples became deeply saddened when He told them He would be going away. But what awesome event turned their sorrow into joy? And what should that singular occurrence mean for us today?
  • by Andy Duran
Strive to live God’s way of life, and in doing so sail steadfastly towards God’s Kingdom, right on past those dreaded spiritual doldrums! 
  • by Heidi Braun
It was a Sabbath morning, and Melissa felt tired. School, homework, and a million other time-fillers had eaten away the six preceding days. She had been craving some fun all week, and if she hadn’t been studying for that algebra exam, she could have watched the last few seasons of her favorite show or hung out with friends at the pool.
  • by Heidi Hanisko, Bonnie Turner
Teaching in exotic Thailand for a year brought unexpected challenges and personal changes. The experience gave us broader perspectives and deeper insights into other cultures, ourselves and God's way.