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ronald reagan

  • by Scott Ashley
Advertising executive and author Bruce Barton called it The Book Nobody Knows. No other book is more important to you and your future.
  • by Kevin Epps
Nearly 18 years ago President Reagan challenged the Soviets to tear down the infamous Berlin Wall. But the apostle Paul talked about the tearing down of an even more important wall that separates people.
  • by Howard Davis
Great sports teams are driven by the power of attitude as much as they are talent, sometimes providing upsets that stun the world. The power of spirit contains the essence of success.
  • by Mario Seiglie
The death of Ronald Reagan reminds us of his vision of America as a "shining city upon a hill." While America is not living up to that ideal, true Christians are called to be excited and inspired by God's far more glorious vision for us.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
It's hard to believe looking back now, but there was a time not so long ago when the "domino theory" seemed inevitable. One country after another was falling to international communism. Until Ronald Reagan.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
It's hard to believe looking back now, but there was a time not so long ago when the "domino theory" seemed inevitable. One country after another was falling to international communism.
  • by Janet Treadway
Words impact us either positively or negatively. "THINK" before you speak.