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  • by Janet Treadway
An inspiring story of struggle through serious challenges serves as a poignant reminder to be grateful and keep persevering with God’s help.
  • by Kathy Sanny
There is no substitute for God's unending law of love.
  • by Robert H Berendt
How aware are you of the blessings God has given you and what should be your response?
  • by Katherine Rowland
Are we grateful for what we have, or are we consumed with desire for what we do not have?
  • by Jeremy Lallier
The first winter in the New World came quickly for the 102 Pilgrims who stepped off the Mayflower.
  • by Tina Rupp
While going through the final phase of a very difficult trial, God opened up a new concept of weekly gratitude to me.
  • by United Church of God
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more..."