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  • by Gary Petty

An interesting flight experience led me to a lesson about control throughout...

  • by Ben Light
John 13 records some of the final lessons Jesus gave His disciples the evening before His death. What did these actions mean to them? And what should they mean to all His followers?
  • by United Church of God
The Bible shows us that many notable figures spent time in fasting—going without food and drink. God even commands us to fast at least one day each year. What does fasting teach us, and how can we use this tool for growth?
  • by Robert H Berendt
"Pride goes before a fall" is an old saying that comes from Proverbs 16:18.
  • by Robert H Berendt
A dear lady had a piece of knowledge given to her as a teenager.
  • by Bill Lussenheide
Being a leader means more than just ruling.
  • by Katherine Rowland
Is what others see in us on the outside, who we really are on the inside?