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Judas Iscariot

  • by United Church of God
No. Despite his actions and his lingering infamy, we can have confidence from the Word of God that Judas Iscariot is not currently burning in Hell.
  • by Robert H Berendt
The value we place on ourselves is often reflected in the things we do.
  • by Mitchell Moss
Judas betrayed Jesus, crumpling under Satan’s influence. We must be aware of our own temptations, keeping our guard up at all times.
  • by Robert H Berendt
Think about the events in your life where betrayal was evident and the resulting damage that occurred.
  • by Robert H Berendt
Betrayal is never easy to come to terms with, especially when it comes from those we trust and love. Are we at risk of betraying anyone?
  • by United Church of God
Greetings readers, “Say what you mean and mean what you say” is valuable advice.