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  • by United Church of God
Homosexuality is an explosively controversial subject in our present society, but it is not a new issue for the Church of God. It confronted the early New Testament Church.
  • by Beyond Today Editor
I got a certain number of responses to my last blog post about Christians who support gay marriage. One response I got essentially asked, “How should I feel about gay marriage as a Christian on a secular level?” In trying to answer, I came to realize that even after writing that piece taking everybody to task for lacking resolve, I still have a bit of cognitive dissonance in my own mind. On the...
  • by Beyond Today Editor
A surprising number of my friends on Facebook changed their profile pic to this photo. I guess the number itself wasn't so surprising as the number of them whom I would've assumed considered themselves Christian. Even Rob Bell, the famous evangelical minister known far and wide openly supports gay marriage.