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Memorial Day

  • by Darris McNeely
On Memorial Day, Americans commemorate fallen soldiers, reflecting on their sacrifices for freedom. Through personal reflections on the hope for peace, we should be focusing on the coming Kingdom of God when there will be no more wars.
  • by Mike Bennett
Test your knowledge of Memorial Day! Most Americans don't know the answers to these three short questions.
  • by United Church of God
Few have found and truly followed the road to peace.
  • by Darris McNeely
It's called Memorial Day in America. Formerly it was known as Decoration Day. In other places it goes by Decoration or Veteran's Day. It is a time when those who died in service to their country are remembered. Flags fly and flowers are placed on graves. Not as many go to the cemeteries as in the past. I guess we are too busy sometimes to pause.