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  • by Robert H Berendt
If we have filled our minds with good and positive things, we will have pure and uncluttered minds.
  • by United Church of God
Precious is the parrot that is trained by a clean tongue. That is not only true for parrots.
  • by United Church of God
My coworker could not seem to open his mouth without using some profanity or taking God's name in vain. It got to the point where I hated to see him coming to my desk. He seemed to be talking louder and louder.
  • by Peter Hawkins
It happens so frequently that most people probably don't even notice it. Considering the number of biblical terms and names used, a non-English speaker with a dictionary could be forgiven for thinking Britain is a very religious nation.
  • by Gary Smith
Profanity and cussing are rampant. You hear it everywhere. Some say it doesn't really matter how we talk. Learn what God says about this important subject.