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  • by Darris McNeely

We have a finite number days in our lives; the key is to use each one wisely...

  • by Darris McNeely

When we experience confrontation we don't have to run away to keep the peace...

  • by Steve Myers

What is a crucible, and how does it apply to Christianity?

  • by Darris McNeely

The Proverbs shows that we must remove ourselves from toxic environments or...

  • by Darris McNeely

Asbestos is a banned toxic material. Are there toxic things in your life...

  • by Darris McNeely

A proverb contains important insight from God regarding marriages and other...

  • by Steve Myers

A proverb ties in to the benefits of an annual job assessment.

  • by John LaBissoniere
While protecting your family and belongings is important, discover why Proverbs 4:23 says you should safeguard your heart more than anything else.
  • by David PerMar
“The rock badgers are a feeble folk, yet they make their homes in the crags” (Proverbs 30:26).
  • by Gary Petty

The Bible shows us to think about the cause and effect of all of our actions...

  • by Gary Petty

Do you know the difference between flattery and a compliment?

  • by Gary Petty

The Proverbs show that our actions can actually show contempt toward God....