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put God first

  • by Sherrie A Giddens
"I feel so lost, I can't even think any more. Please, you have to help us." Susan was nearly in tears as she left this message on my phone.
  • by Joy Porter
Being too busy and other barriers can trip up our prayer life. What can we do to better take advantage of this priceless privilege of communicating with our Creator?
  • by Robert H Berendt
How often have you said, "I'll do it tomorrow," or "I'll think about it tomorrow"?
  • by Les McCullough
A new day begins. You sit down before your computer and chances are you never think twice about what goes on as you punch the start button. You may hear a reassuring hum from your hard drive. Then your screen begins to brighten. You are ready for the day. At some point, you call up your e-mail or decide to see what is on the Net.