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"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27).

Given to mankind by God on the last day of the creation week, this oft-disputed day plays a key role in the plan of God. Find out what it is, when it should be kept and what you stand to gain from it.

  • by Scott Ashley
History and the Bible show that the biblical Sabbath is Saturday, the seventh day of the week. But most of today’s churches gather to worship on Sunday, the first day of the week. How was this changed and why? Does God accept this change?
  • by United Church of God
Christ commanded us to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). But how do we worship God? Can we know what pleases Him?
  • by John LaBissoniere
Did you realize that the Bible contains exciting knowledge that is rarely noticed? It has everything to do with God’s marvelous plan for humanity revealed through the biblical festivals that Jesus Christ Himself observed.
  • by Darris McNeely

We are often tyrannized by our hectic, modern, technology-driven lives; and...

  • by United Church of God
In addition to being a day of rest from our regular work, the seventh day Sabbath is a day we are commanded to gather together for a “holy convocation.”
  • by Peter Eddington
God’s plan to bring back the paradise man lost is revealed in biblical festivals meant for all to observe—culminating each year in rejoicing over the restoration to come.
  • by Mario Seiglie
Many people view the biblical Sabbath day as an obsolete burden. Some even view it as an absolute curse! But what does the Bible really say? What does it tell us about the purposes of the Sabbath?
  • by United Church of God
Breaking bread simply meant sharing a normal meal, the phrase coming from the observation that a meal officially began when someone had broken off a piece of bread. It has no implication whatsoever that they were sharing communion or partaking in any kind of worship, as is sometimes incorrectly inferred.
  • by United Church of God
Jesus, who is the very Creator (Colossians 1:16; John 1:3), is the One who created the Sabbath by resting on it (Genesis 2:2-3). If we are driven by custom rather than submission to His Lordship in our approach to the Sabbath, we will fail to understand the gift of this day.
  • by United Church of God
We can look to the Jews, who have tracked and kept the seventh-day Sabbath for millennia, and be confident that our current Saturday is the seventh day of the week, on the same weekly cycle that has been in place since the beginning of creation—a cycle established and confirmed by God Himself.
  • by United Church of God
No, God has not authorized a change in His Sabbath. Humans changed it after the last of the apostles died, but with no scriptural authority or legitimacy.
  • by Jerold Aust
God designed seven distinct annual festivals that together portray a system of salvation for all humankind. This amazing knowledge can change your life now and forever.
  • by Jerold Aust
Your Bible and all nature tell of the many miracles of God. But one qualifies as His greatest. Could it involve you?